Chick is significantly smaller than the others!


Jun 8, 2020
I have 2 chick from someone who has no info on them. One has scissor beak and what I think could be wry neck. She is about 1/2 the size of the one she care with. And seems to need ‘mom’ more. I put her in my bag so she can feel as though she is being sat on by mom. The other chick is with another two chick about a week older. All doing fine. This little one seems so developmental delayed.
I started vitamin E and selenium. She doesn’t spin as bad now. Much chirps in a panic until I put her in my bag and she can sleep. She also has one eye and I’m not sure she is getting fed as much as the others? Help!


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i have no idea what kind they are, the two
Is it the crested/tufted one that is having problems?
i really dont know what kind they are, i got two (yellow and dark small one) from one person. unsure how they aquired them, and then the other two i got from a lady they were free range and mamma just had them a wekek prior and i was hoping the older two would teach the younger two, which seemed to work well and did exactly what i intended for it to. but now the one with scissor beak (patty) is getting picked on.

i have zero erxperience with chickens, so i have NO IDEA WHATS NEXT. but can she survive if i seperate her? she seems to chirp non stop in a panic when away from the others for too long, yet they peck her now as though she annoys them. not sure what i can do or how to proceed...
Well she might not be getting as much food if she has scissor beak, let alone scissorbeak and wry neck. Have you tried giving her a mash?
whats mash? i have been giving her sugar water with Vit E and Selenium and seemed to help her get stronger, i put some bird seed in warm water and tried to give it to her, but she wasnt having it. i read online that parrot formula may help?

im at a complete loss of what to do for her!
whats mash?

Take normal chick starter and add water to make it wet.
Chickens seem to think it's a treat, and they get both food and water at the same time.

Do a small amount at first--maybe a spoonful of chick starter, plus water until it's soggy.
If she likes it, give her some several times a day. (Any she does not eat, you can give to the other chicks to finish up.)
whats mash? i have been giving her sugar water with Vit E and Selenium and seemed to help her get stronger, i put some bird seed in warm water and tried to give it to her, but she wasnt having it. i read online that parrot formula may help?

im at a complete loss of what to do for her!

It's basically mushy water down fees. Think if you leave a feed bowl outside and it rains (but purposefully made ofc)

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