Chick losing weight.


Mar 22, 2025
I received a couple chicks from a farm store 3 days ago. (Added them to my brooder with the 5 day old chicks) They were one day old, both had pasty butt and both were slightly lethargic. I immediately got them warm, and started on medicated starter feed. On day 2, both chicks were acting better, they were pooping and drinking water. They were having a hard time eating (their beaks were so small, so I ground up a bit to get them started. I also provided some Luke warm sugar water in a syringe. Day three, one of the chicks had some diarrhea- 4-5 times. Quickly cleaned, sanitized coop and provided with some special attention, and a bit of egg yolk. No more diarrhea, but no weight gain. She has not lost her appetite, and is still drinking and running around, but as I watch her, I notice she is avoiding the larger chunks of starter feed. I just want to know what has worked for everyone else in the past. I'd hate to lose one of my girls, but honestly, she is only eating a bit of egg yoke, clean water, and the smallest bits of the medicated feed.


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