Chick pics! Ideas on breed/sex?


15 Years
Jan 11, 2010
Hi all, Just wondering if any of you would be able to take a guess at the possible breeds these chicks are. they were born on 12/24 and pics are at 3 weeks old. All eggs were various shades of brown. Some with feathered legs, some without. Many had light dots on their heads.
Are combs typically this big at 3 weeks or do I have lots of boys? Some of the combs are lighter than others. I know the pics aren't the best but hoping they are good enough to give indication of the breeds. Pretty sure they are mixed. Thanks so much in advance!!


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Hi all, Just wondering if any of you would be able to take a guess at the possible breeds these chicks are. they were born on 12/24 and pics are at 3 weeks old. All eggs were various shades of brown. Some with feathered legs, some without. Many had light dots on their heads.
Are combs typically this big at 3 weeks or do I have lots of boys? Some of the combs are lighter than others. I know the pics aren't the best but hoping they are good enough to give indication of the breeds. Pretty sure they are mixed. Thanks so much in advance!!
You likely do have at least a few boys that I can see, I believe there was two in the pictures with larger combs already turning red, those ones are definite males. And I'd be suspicious of any others with large combs. Any of the chicks who develop a red comb, especially a large red comb, before 8 weeks are male. Sometimes pullets will pinken up early but very unlikely to pinken up that early and typically the combs stay small in size (relative to breed, of course). Those eggs do have the coloring of marans so that is certainly a possibility, but they could be mixed breeds or a similarly dark egg-layer.
Yes, I do have some boys! I was under the assumption they were mixes but they sure do look alike. Time will tell. Thank you for the helpful info!

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