Is her crop big and soft? I know sour smell is usually a sign of sour crop, but I’ve only dealt with that in adult chickens, so I’m not sure how much the treatment would differ.
Is her crop big and soft? I know sour smell is usually a sign of sour crop, but I’ve only dealt with that in adult chickens, so I’m not sure how much the treatment would differ.
Thank you for responding. Once I learned how to check her crop, it was pretty firm but made this "squishy/bubbly) sound. It was weird. I could see a couple lil white dots on the roof of her mouth.(THAT in itself was difficult to her little beak) Her head smelled and when I opened her lil beak, it Stunk, like a yeast factory. I knew it had to be yeast! She would only eat a little bit and her crop was full n firm. So, I had her checked out and since I like to use home remedies if I can, she's being treated with ACV & freshly crushed garlic mix in water and good old fashion plain yogurt. After gently messaging her crop last night and all day today every 2-3 hours, her crop finally got soft and passed stool but, I could faintly hear the bubbly sound. Tonight, she received a mixture of egg yoke and yogurt. Since I caught it early, I won't start Miconazole until day 3 if I don't notice a significant decrease in smell or see any improvement. I will tell you, she ate well tonight and her crop was full but, soft (I did fed her soft food; egg yoke & yogurt) and I heard less bubbles.
She and her sibling got sunshine today and climbed up on a little branch and laid down in a sand dust bath moving their legs and flapping their winds this late afternoon. It was adorable! Therefore, I am happy. Oh, I did clean their large bin with Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar to help cleanse the yeast out. They got all new pine chips/ medium size pine shavings.
Than you for replying to my post.

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