Chick Trying to Pull Off Its Own Wings


5 Years
May 25, 2019
We got 15 layer/dual purpose chicks yesterday. They were shipped with two-day shipping. Everyone looked good upon arrival, though maybe a bit cold. We got them fed (chick crumbles), water (room temp), and a heat plate at back level.

They all seemed fine yesterday especially after some time under the heat plate. In the evening, they settled down and slept.

However, one of them is acting deranged today. It's acting like it's trying to pull its own wings off. It peeps loudly in the process which gets the attention of the others who also try to peck at it. It seems very distressed about something, but I can't figure out the problem.

Upon inspection, I don't see anything out of the ordinary about the chick besides this behavior. It has food in its crop and is pooping normal poops, so it is getting food.

I rubbed it down with diatomaceous earth to see if that would help, but it didn't seem to make a difference. We also added a dust bath, but I don't think they know how to use it yet.

Here is a link to a video of the chick:

I don't know how to help it. It's now to the point that it has drawn blood from itself.
What interesting behavior. I think this very similar thread has some good information that could be useful. Seems to be a stress thing maybe? Have you tried to distract her and show her where the feed and water are? Maybe she’d settle down for some of her chick started turned into a mash.
What interesting behavior. I think this very similar thread has some good information that could be useful. Seems to be a stress thing maybe? Have you tried to distract her and show her where the feed and water are? Maybe she’d settle down for some of her chick started turned into a mash.
We've tried distracting her with food. But the only way we have gotten her to calm down is to hold her clasped in our hands, which isn't realistic to do long term. I'd say she definitely seems itchy. But she is hurting herself in the process, so I'm not sure what else I can do to help her.
The incoming pin feathers are painful and she is trying to rid herself of what causes the pain.
I think that makes sense, but what can I do to help her not self-destruct? She is so preoccupied with pulling her wings and it is causing the others to pull as her too. She's only a few days old, so she has a long way to go with pin feathers since they just started coming in.
I remember (I think, it was years ago :)) some of my first chicks doing something similar when they were a few days old; when preening, they would pull so hard it would make them lose their balance and it looked like they were trying to pull something out. I agree that it might be them reacting to uncomfortable growing feathers.
I think that makes sense, but what can I do to help her not self-destruct? She is so preoccupied with pulling her wings and it is causing the others to pull as her too. She's only a few days old, so she has a long way to go with pin feathers since they just started coming in.
How much space do they have in the brooder?

Give them fresh broccoli to peck at and spread some millet and sesame seeds for distraction.

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