Chick with crest?


In the Brooder
Jan 31, 2016
I'm starting a new thread to see if anyone has an idea of this chick's breed. It has this crest like feathering on it's head. It's 5wk old. I'm supposed to have a mixture of wyandottes, buff orpingtons, ameraucanas, and marans. Do chickens even get crests?

Yes, a number of breeds get crests; none of which happen to be the ones you listed.

So something else is mixed in.

Your chick looks to have a crest similar to a Cream Crested Legbar, and may have some of that mixed in, possible the Marans to create an Olive Egger, but the legs (hard to see) almost look willow so I would normally say an EE...but CCL is already a blue egg layer and wouldn't normally be bred back to an Ameraucana to produce an EE unless I suppose someone really wanted to experiment with blue egg colors.

Or you could have a mixed breed bird with another crested type....often Silkie mixes will have a bit of crazy crest like that, and with the very black beak, it is possible it is a Silkie mix though the feathering is natural feathering (vs. Silkie "hair like" feathers).

So it is likely a mix...and not from any of the breeds listed as none of those would produce a crest.

Unless you are in Australia or Europe....

Araucana standards there allow for crested and tailed Araucanas with willow legs, but it should be muffed/bearded as well.

And UK standards allow for a crested Ameraucana, but again they should have beards/muffs.

You might then have a European standard Ameraucana/any other breed EE which kept the crest but lost the beard/muff in the hybrid.

Unless you are in Australia or Europe....

Araucana standards there allow for crested and tailed Araucanas with willow legs, but it should be muffed/bearded as well.

And UK standards allow for a crested Ameraucana, but again they should have beards/muffs.

You might then have a European standard Ameraucana/any other breed EE which kept the crest but lost the beard/muff in the hybrid.


I'm in the U.S. I know the pertain I got the chicks from does occasionally breed Legbars. So maybe that's it? Here's some pictures of the same chick a week ago, that shows her legs better. She does have some patchy feathering on it's legs coming in.


Yes, a number of breeds get crests; none of which happen to be the ones you listed.

So something else is mixed in.

Your chick looks to have a crest similar to a Cream Crested Legbar, and may have some of that mixed in, possible the Marans to create an Olive Egger, but the legs (hard to see) almost look willow so I would normally say an EE...but CCL is already a blue egg layer and wouldn't normally be bred back to an Ameraucana to produce an EE unless I suppose someone really wanted to experiment with blue egg colors.

Or you could have a mixed breed bird with another crested type....often Silkie mixes will have a bit of crazy crest like that, and with the very black beak, it is possible it is a Silkie mix though the feathering is natural feathering (vs. Silkie "hair like" feathers).

So it is likely a mix...and not from any of the breeds listed as none of those would produce a crest.

I agree.
How did your chick turn out when it was full-grown because I have a chick kind of like that but shes three weeks and we got her from Mannings feed and seed from an assorted crested bunch? She didn't have any crest when we first got her but she has started growing it now at 3 weeks.
I'm in the U.S. I know the pertain I got the chicks from does occasionally breed Legbars. So maybe that's it? Here's some pictures of the same chick a week ago, that shows her legs better. She does have some patchy feathering on it's legs coming in.


I have no idea. Just wanted to say that is one cute chick! :love also, this is a very old thread.

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