Chicken acting drunk. Walking backwards and stumbling?


5 Years
Apr 5, 2019
Yellowstone County, Montana
What could this be? She was fine yesterday. No changes to diet, weather, nor flock.

She doesn’t show signs of physical injury either.

She’s s very hungry and thirsty.

I’ve separated her from the flock and she just falls to her side and sits quietly.

She’s five years old. White marans. I’ve had her for a year now.


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Are you sure it is eating well?
What have you been feeding it this week?
The same feed I have been giving them for the past year: Nutrena Layer Feed, with a few meal worms and boon worms thrown in the mix.

She was eating every time I saw her, and moving around just fine. Even though she can’t move, she wants to eat and will eat whatever is put in front of her.

I have a flock of 20 ages 2 to 6 years old, and she’s the only one with issues.
Any chance there is mold in that straw bale?
Probably. I’ve thrown all the bales out of the run and swept out loose straw just in case.

But again, she’s one of 20. And I’ve had chickens for six years now and have never seen this before. There are no new chickens in the flock.
What could this be? She was fine yesterday. No changes to diet, weather, nor flock.

She doesn’t show signs of physical injury either.

She’s s very hungry and thirsty.

I’ve separated her from the flock and she just falls to her side and sits quietly.

She’s five years old. White marans. I’ve had her for a year now.

The same feed I have been giving them for the past year: Nutrena Layer Feed, with a few meal worms and boon worms thrown in the mix.

She was eating every time I saw her, and moving around just fine. Even though she can’t move, she wants to eat and will eat whatever is put in front of her.

I have a flock of 20 ages 2 to 6 years old, and she’s the only one with issues.

Even if she hasn't laid an egg, I'd consider giving her extra calcium asap and for the next few days to see if she expels an egg or material. Calcium Citrate+D3, 1 tablet right into the beak daily.

Since she's stumbling and walking backwards, treat her for neurological symptoms. 400IU Vitamin E and 1/4 tablet B-Complex daily. Give her a treat of egg daily.

She's hungry and thirsty. Was she being kept from food/water by the others?
Set her up in her own space with water and food within easy reach. Check her crop first thing in the morning to see if it's emptied overnight.

Do look her over for lice/mites and signs of injury as well.

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