Chicken after a freeze


Feb 11, 2025
So last night there was a freeze, it got really cold. And my roosters do not sleep with the chickens up the coop, because I have too many right now because of I got this bunch from a random, so they were not sexed and I have 6 roosters. They usually sleep up in the trees at night. When I came out this morning one of them was on the ground not moving, I thought he was dead so I got dressed and went outside to look. He was barely alive but cold. I brought them inside and put him on a heating vent. He's been on there for almost 2 hours now. He was one of my skittish birds not wanting to come near me, so now he's sitting on my lap after 2 hours, I try to give him water and he really didn't drink it, I haven't tried food because if you didn't drink water he's probably not going to eat food. He can barely lift his head and he doesn't walk around. He can stand but he just stands there awkwardly before sitting down again. I'm thinking if he can't get better and nobody can help me, I might put him down tomorrow, because it's kind of hard for me to take care of a sick rooster while going to school and caring for all the other animals. I'm not going to do it if he does get better, but if he's not getting better I would put him down to get him out of his pain. Sorry if there are any spelling mistakes.
Try warm water with a little sugar in it - 1 tsp sugar to 1 c water. Add a pinch of salt and a little pinch of baking soda. Dip his beak in. If he won't drink, put a drop on the edge of his beak with a q-tip or your finger. Don't get it on his nostrils. Or try syringing a little into his beak. This is a treatment for shock and dehydration. Good luck with him.

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