Chicken attacked by Neighbor's Dogs


In the Brooder
Sep 17, 2023
I'm a novice chicken owner with a small flock. One of our chickens, close to fully grown, had gotten out and flew into our neighbor's yard, and their dogs attacked him. The neighbor retrieved our chicken and when we examined him, 90% of his tail feathers were ripped out alongside a small bald spot on his back from ripped out feathers. He also has a limp which appears to be a leg dislocation.
We examined his wounds and most of them seemed to be skin wounds from the feather loss which were bloody. His vent didn't appear too damaged and he could pass excrement without issue. We applied antimicrobial poultry wound ointment and Blue-Kote to his wounds. After giving him a lot of hugs, comfort, and pets, he gladly ate treats and drank plenty of water. Our other chickens had zero issues with him and allowed him to roost comfortably with them in the coop at night.
Is there anything I might be doing wrong or need to do to help him?
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Sounds like you are treating the wounds well. Apply your ointment daily. It may be a good idea to keep him where flies can't get to the wounds. If that's not possible, then monitor heavily for any maggots, they can cause a lot of damage in a short period of time.

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