Chicken Coop cira 1850 -1890


In the Brooder
8 Years
Mar 2, 2011
A few years back I got the genealogy bug. In my research I found one of my ggg grandfather's homestead. His home was started in the 1850's and his daughter later built a house on his land. Although vacant now his house, her house, the barn and the CHICKEN COOP were still standing! The coop was the open air style as it is located in middle GA. There were no chickens anymore but it was such a wonderful find!
I would so hire someone to move that thing to my yard so I could repair it and use it!! Retro coop project would be AWESOME! It'd very definately be a one of a kind, given to you by your ggg grandfather would be a very interesting story to tell too!
That's so cool, your chicken coop history...very interesting..wonder what my old family history of chicken coops would look like?
Grest looking erect that bldg. and bring it home...wink wink
ohhhh what a treasure!!!!!!! is the land still in your family? I would be bringing it home for sure ... not just because its an antique but because its part of your history. Imagine telling your children/grandchildren that it was they GGGG Grand parents?

Thats such a priceless heirloom.
It would be awesome to have but then again it is so perfect where it is! My daughter took pictures of the coop, barn & house and printed professionally. They now hang in the family room. I just love the old wood!

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