Chicken displaying eggbound symptoms for a week, what might be the real problem?


Feb 11, 2025
Easter egger, one year old, 5lbs
Waddling around like a penguin, drooped wings sometimes, tail pointed down, shes not lethargic. She's been experiencing these symptoms for a week now, she's eating and drinking fine, stool looks normal. No sign of trauma, no bleeding, nothing broken. No other birds experiencing this issue. Feeding her layer feed, fruits/vegetables, adding ground shells for extra calcium.

We Thought she was eggbound, gave her 1/4ML of antibiotics, warm epson salt bath, nothing changing. Closest vet for birds is over 2 hours away, would prefer to just treat at home, if possible. I added a photo of her posture. She was in with other chickens but is now quarantined. Bedding was pine shavings in a basic fenced coop.


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We Thought she was eggbound, gave her 1/4ML of antibiotics, warm epson salt bath, nothing changing. Closest vet for birds is over 2 hours away, would prefer to just treat at home, if possible. I added a photo of her posture. She was in with other chickens but is now quarantined.
Welcome To BYC

She may be suffering from some type of reproductive disorder like Cancer, EYP, Internal Laying or Salpingitis.

I would give her Extra Calcium for 5 days to see if that helps her expel any material. You can find Calcium Citrate+D3 at stores like Walmart, CVS, etc. Just pop 1 tablet into the beak and let her swallow.

What antibiotic did you give? If you started medication, finish the course.

Keep her hydrated and eating. Check her crop to make sure it's emptying overnight and look her over for lice/mites.

Keep us posted on how she's doing.

Example of Calcium Citrate+D3
Welcome To BYC

She may be suffering from some type of reproductive disorder like Cancer, EYP, Internal Laying or Salpingitis.

I would give her Extra Calcium for 5 days to see if that helps her expel any material. You can find Calcium Citrate+D3 at stores like Walmart, CVS, etc. Just pop 1 tablet into the beak and let her swallow.

What antibiotic did you give? If you started medication, finish the course.

Keep her hydrated and eating. Check her crop to make sure it's emptying overnight and look her over for lice/mites.

Keep us posted on how she's doing.

Example of Calcium Citrate+D3
View attachment 4048378

She is still living, but conditions have not improved. She's still eating/drinking fine, and is now producing eggs, but refused to get up and hobbies when she's trying to move around. She will sometimes use her wing to help stay balanced.

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