Chicken eggs or guinea eggs?


In the Brooder
Mar 23, 2024
I have one guinea that is 20-22 weeks old and 4 that are 12-14ish weeks old
And chickens that are 14ish weeks old. I’m not sure which they are from. But 2 eggs in 1 day so I’m confused.
I was fairly positive my oldest Guinea was a male because of its call and that my 7 oldest chickens were all males. (I have more chickens but definitely not from them, they are only about 6 weeks and in their own coop and I don’t let them free range until they are bigger)


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I would guess Guinea based on the size, shape, and texture but not sure about color
Do you know how soon guineas lay? And why 2 eggs in 1 day? Google says they are usually a year old before laying but I did the math again and the chickens are def 12-13 weeks at the most. The oldest guinea is 14-15 weeks and and the youngest guineas are about 8-9 weeks old but almost as big as the older guinea.
I found this:

Guinea fowl eggs are brown with faint freckles, smaller and pointier than a normal chicken egg and hard as rocks.

It would seem your guineas are way too young to lay eggs and they are the wrong color. Do your neighbors have chickens?
I found this:

Guinea fowl eggs are brown with faint freckles, smaller and pointier than a normal chicken egg and hard as rocks.

It would seem your guineas are way too young to lay eggs and they are the wrong color. Do your neighbors have chickens?
They do but they are never over here and this was inside the locked chicken coop and happened since last night, I have never even seen my neighbors chickens. They are a light tan/sand color with white speckles
I've found info on line that says they can start laying from 12 to 16 to 20 weeks of age, other sites say one year. So take your pick! It may depend on what time of year they were hatched and when they come into lay, as they lay seasonally.
Oh, they look blue on my screen, they also look very round. They may be guinea eggs, then.
Oh I see that in the picture now, that’s so odd. I think the white speckles was actually just the calcium because it is textured. I looked at them again to verify. But they are both sandy colored definitely not blue. The camera does make it look that way though. Makes me want to just watch them for the next 24 hours and see which one pops an egg out. Our oldest chickens are EEs but I was convinced they were all males. I’m just so excited, we lost 10 from a dog attack a few days ago, 5 of my silkies, 5 heritage RIR and one RIR and one silkie inside recovering and hanging on. Those were my younger chickens though. Previously we lost 5 guineas to a dog, we rehomed that dog and then someone dumped 7 more adult dogs and only 1 remains. For 2 months she did not touch my chickens and out of the blue she went on a killing spree sadly. So this was just the light of my week after burying the other chickens


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Oh dear! So many losses. I'm sorry. Really sounds like you need to dog-proof the area where you keep your poultry, especially with dogs getting dumped in the area. Good luck!

Are the eggs round? Guinea eggs should be more pointed at one end, sorta pear-shaped. The color is much better in that second picture.

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