Chicken falling over and unable to get up


Mar 6, 2025
Hi, looking for some advice please. I have 2 peking bantams. One of them falls over and is then unable to get herself up, as soon as you pick her up she can walk again properly. Apart from this she is well in herself and eating and drinking. Some days it might happen twice in one day and other times she can go a few days without it happening. It’s been happening for a few months now. Because she is a peking, she has long feathers on her feet, I trimmed these but that hasn’t made any difference. Does anyone have any idea what could be causing this?
Thanks in advance
How old is the chicken? Are these 2 your only chickens? Human vitamin E 400 IU softgels and B complex 1/4 tablet daily may be used with a teaspoonful of scrambled egg for selenium can be used for a couple of week to treat neurological problems. I would check her ear openings for any signs of drainage or infection. Here are some vitamin examples:

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