Chicken injured


In the Brooder
Oct 17, 2023
i notice that my hens were molting so I did not pay attention but today one of them did not come by to eat meals worms when I was feeding today so I went to pick her up and notice that she might have wound or Infection that has crusted. Idk how to fix this. I am pretty sure I am too late to help. Any ideas what causes it or what to do? The others seems fine.
Does the wound smell bad, have pus or other discharge, or have maggots? It's hard to tell from the photo, is the crust mostly dried scab, or is it wet and full of dirt?

Chickens are very resilient to external wounds as long as there isn't too much internal damage and infection doesn't set in. If she were mine, I would first clean her up the best I could with chlorhexidine and water to get a better idea of what you're dealing with. If it's not a big deep infected wound, I would give her a chance by drying her well, and setting her up in a "chicken ICU" in a clean warm place with water w/ electrolytes, whatever food might tempt her to eat like scrambled eggs or feed mixed with water.

Let us know how she does!
Do you have a rooster with sharp spurs who might have hurt her? Spurs may need to be dulled and trimmed. Or was she hurt by a predator. Skin cancers can also appear on skin and look like a wound. I would clean the wound or lesion with chlorhexidene (Hibiclens) or saline (1 tsp of salt in 16 ounces of water) twice a day. Then apply plain antibiotic ointment until it is healing. Others may peck the wound so she could wear a T shirt or be placed in a wire dog crate with food and water, bedding and a towel covered top. Let us know how she recovers and pictures can be taken.

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