Chicken is Panting.

Lauren Kim

Jun 7, 2017
Studying at the Library
My Coop
My Coop
Hello everyone!
I have a BR hen that keeps on panting. I offer her water but she just looks away and ignores me. Does anyone know what's going on?

I uploaded the video to youtube so that you could see her.

Here is the link:
When my girls are hot I give them a pan or dish (a drip pan for a plant works fine) full of water with ice. They dip their toes in it to cool off. Try dipping her feet in some cool water and see if that helps. Mine will stand in the cool water and after about a minute, the panting stops. She's likely panting because she's hot, and chickens don't sweat like we do.
I live in Texas that's probably obvious but it gets hot here. The funny thing is the girls with dark feathers especially my blacks pant less than the reds and browns my roosters never do and neither does my white bantam. They like to hang out by my a/c condenser drain when it's really hot. Do yours have A place to escape the sun. If they range they probably have found A spot. If they don't dig out under the coop so they can fit under there and wire off any escape spots so they can't get out. Under the coop is A nice cool spot for them

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