Chicken just won't shut up!


Apr 22, 2019
I have a chicken that was given to me by friends that keep a large flock of chickens for eating. They don't know what breed she is and I haven't been unable to find out through research either. She is very large and very heavy. I'm going to attempt to attach a picture. She is orange with black tail feathers and a black speckled neck. She also has very large tree-trunk legs. She doesn't sound like a normal chicken but more like a goose. She also makes whistling sounds sort of.

My problem is, she is the noisiest chicken I have ever kept in my entire life!! She just won't shut up! I'm not talking "egg song". I'm talking every single moment of the day. I currently have two chickens. The other one is much smaller. She is a Polish Crested. She is about half the size but she is the boss. Problem is, Sophie (the Polish) couldn't care less if Nugget was around or not and she frequently hides. She is also a very broody chicken, so that causes hiding issues as well. Anyway, Nugget is apparently very needy. When she can't find Sophie she calls and calls for her. Loudly. Sophie, of course, doesn't answer. But even during those times that they are hanging together, Nugget still won't shut up. I get the impression that she is lonely, having come from such a large flock. But even with company, she is still very verbal.

I'm limited with ordinances to having only the two chickens. So getting her a friend that will hang with her isn't an option. I came online to see which chickens were the noisiest in hopes of not only finding out what breed she might be, but also to see if there was anything I could do to shut her up! If it's daytime, she's making noise. Period. I'm just at my wits end with her. My husband is ready to send her back to the farm, but that's a definite death sentence for her.

She's a sweet girl, but she won't let anyone near her. She can't be held, or even caught. But she's personable and will follow you around. AND TALK!! I've also considered getting diapers and letting her come into the house. But I think it would be more enjoyable for her to be roaming around our backyard, picking at bugs and grass and such.

Does anyone out there have any suggestions to keep her quieter?


  • Nugget 2.jpg
    Nugget 2.jpg
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I have a rather skittish hen that talks all the time, not goose sounds, but more like "goo-goo ga-ga" and she yells at me to let her out of the run. I think she only does it when I'm there, when she's feeling a little uneasy or to get my attention when she's bored. She stops being loud when she's happily occupied with food or something, but continues to chatter a bit.

Have you ruled out breathing problems? The sounds "more like a goose" and "makes whistling sounds" made me think respiratory issue.
I have a chicken that was given to me by friends that keep a large flock of chickens for eating. They don't know what breed she is and I haven't been unable to find out through research either. She is very large and very heavy. I'm going to attempt to attach a picture. She is orange with black tail feathers and a black speckled neck. She also has very large tree-trunk legs. She doesn't sound like a normal chicken but more like a goose. She also makes whistling sounds sort of.

My problem is, she is the noisiest chicken I have ever kept in my entire life!! She just won't shut up! I'm not talking "egg song". I'm talking every single moment of the day. I currently have two chickens. The other one is much smaller. She is a Polish Crested. She is about half the size but she is the boss. Problem is, Sophie (the Polish) couldn't care less if Nugget was around or not and she frequently hides. She is also a very broody chicken, so that causes hiding issues as well. Anyway, Nugget is apparently very needy. When she can't find Sophie she calls and calls for her. Loudly. Sophie, of course, doesn't answer. But even during those times that they are hanging together, Nugget still won't shut up. I get the impression that she is lonely, having come from such a large flock. But even with company, she is still very verbal.

I'm limited with ordinances to having only the two chickens. So getting her a friend that will hang with her isn't an option. I came online to see which chickens were the noisiest in hopes of not only finding out what breed she might be, but also to see if there was anything I could do to shut her up! If it's daytime, she's making noise. Period. I'm just at my wits end with her. My husband is ready to send her back to the farm, but that's a definite death sentence for her.

She's a sweet girl, but she won't let anyone near her. She can't be held, or even caught. But she's personable and will follow you around. AND TALK!! I've also considered getting diapers and letting her come into the house. But I think it would be more enjoyable for her to be roaming around our backyard, picking at bugs and grass and such.

Does anyone out there have any suggestions to keep her quieter?
How long have you had her? She's mostly likely calling out for her previous flock. It can be very hard on hens to be re-homed all by themselves.
She could be a meat bird cross, which would make her big and heavier. Birds with that genetics weren't meant to live long.

Not much you can do about her making noises all day. If it's too unsettling to bare, you should consider returning her to the farm.

Chickens are creatures of habit, when there raised in a noisy flock that's what they do.

Hope you can find a solution.
How long have you had her? She's mostly likely calling out for her previous flock. It can be very hard on hens to be re-homed all by themselves.
I have had her since early summer 2021. We figured that's what she was doing at first, and she probably still is. Because once I find Sophie and shoo her (or carry her) over to where Nugget is, Nugget is quiet and contentedly goes back to foraging. So I'm pretty sure it's loneliness and the need for companionship. It's unfortunate that I can't get a third chicken. I can't sit out there all day with her, Sophie is ambivalent, I can't give Nugget back because she'll get eaten, and city ordinances say not another chicken. They have the whole huge backyard in which to wander and forage. They even have a compost pile to dig up. So I don't think it's boredom but more a matter of loneliness and I'm just not sure what to do about it. I've kept chickens for years and have never experienced this problem before. When I attempt to keep them together, such as locking them up in the coop, it's only a matter of about 10 minutes before they both start freaking out that they're locked up and need to roam. I just thought I'd see if anyone had any suggestions since she's driving us both crazy. Luckily hubby works away from home so he only has to hear her occasionally during the week but he hates listening to her all weekend. I really think she needs a constant companion. You know, like those two cartoon dogs. One a huge bull dog and one a tiny mutt that worships the bull dog. Just exactly what she needs!
I have a rather skittish hen that talks all the time, not goose sounds, but more like "goo-goo ga-ga" and she yells at me to let her out of the run. I think she only does it when I'm there, when she's feeling a little uneasy or to get my attention when she's bored. She stops being loud when she's happily occupied with food or something, but continues to chatter a bit.

Have you ruled out breathing problems? The sounds "more like a goose" and "makes whistling sounds" made me think respiratory issue.
The bizarre sounds she makes are definitely her normal call. And the whistling sounds are on purpose, part of her call. She isn't sick. In fact, she's been to the vet a couple of times for different things and she's received a good bill of health. She just sounds like a very odd goose. :)
I have had her since early summer 2021. We figured that's what she was doing at first, and she probably still is. Because once I find Sophie and shoo her (or carry her) over to where Nugget is, Nugget is quiet and contentedly goes back to foraging. So I'm pretty sure it's loneliness and the need for companionship. It's unfortunate that I can't get a third chicken. I can't sit out there all day with her, Sophie is ambivalent, I can't give Nugget back because she'll get eaten, and city ordinances say not another chicken. They have the whole huge backyard in which to wander and forage. They even have a compost pile to dig up. So I don't think it's boredom but more a matter of loneliness and I'm just not sure what to do about it. I've kept chickens for years and have never experienced this problem before. When I attempt to keep them together, such as locking them up in the coop, it's only a matter of about 10 minutes before they both start freaking out that they're locked up and need to roam. I just thought I'd see if anyone had any suggestions since she's driving us both crazy. Luckily hubby works away from home so he only has to hear her occasionally during the week but he hates listening to her all weekend. I really think she needs a constant companion. You know, like those two cartoon dogs. One a huge bull dog and one a tiny mutt that worships the bull dog. Just exactly what she needs!
Mabey try getting them a different kind of companion like a dove or pigeon or another animal for them to play with if that's possible. ??
I have a chicken that was given to me by friends that keep a large flock of chickens for eating. They don't know what breed she is and I haven't been unable to find out through research either. She is very large and very heavy. I'm going to attempt to attach a picture. She is orange with black tail feathers and a black speckled neck. She also has very large tree-trunk legs. She doesn't sound like a normal chicken but more like a goose. She also makes whistling sounds sort of.

My problem is, she is the noisiest chicken I have ever kept in my entire life!! She just won't shut up! I'm not talking "egg song". I'm talking every single moment of the day. I currently have two chickens. The other one is much smaller. She is a Polish Crested. She is about half the size but she is the boss. Problem is, Sophie (the Polish) couldn't care less if Nugget was around or not and she frequently hides. She is also a very broody chicken, so that causes hiding issues as well. Anyway, Nugget is apparently very needy. When she can't find Sophie she calls and calls for her. Loudly. Sophie, of course, doesn't answer. But even during those times that they are hanging together, Nugget still won't shut up. I get the impression that she is lonely, having come from such a large flock. But even with company, she is still very verbal.

I'm limited with ordinances to having only the two chickens. So getting her a friend that will hang with her isn't an option. I came online to see which chickens were the noisiest in hopes of not only finding out what breed she might be, but also to see if there was anything I could do to shut her up! If it's daytime, she's making noise. Period. I'm just at my wits end with her. My husband is ready to send her back to the farm, but that's a definite death sentence for her.

She's a sweet girl, but she won't let anyone near her. She can't be held, or even caught. But she's personable and will follow you around. AND TALK!! I've also considered getting diapers and letting her come into the house. But I think it would be more enjoyable for her to be roaming around our backyard, picking at bugs and grass and such.

Does anyone out there have any suggestions to keep her quieter?
Is she maybe a buff orpington mix?
Is she maybe a buff orpington mix?
I thought of that. But a new vet saw her the other day and said she is most likely a Red Sex Link. I don't know. Guess we could just call her a mutt. :0)
She is incredibly heavy! So definitely bred as a meat bird. The new vet said that this type are bred as large, heavy, and hearty to live outdoors. They don't do well locked up. And she doesn't! So it's good that my girls are free-roaming in our large backyard.
Thank you for your input!

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