Hello, I am a new BYC member, but have found you guys' advice invaluable in the past. Please help me with my sick bird!
Hermes is an Ameraucana, about three years old, lately, she began loosing her feathers. We thought she was molting, but then she became much more low energy and sickly looking. Two days ago, she wandered off. We searched high and low, all throughout the woods, but to no avail. We thought she was dead. Hermes, however, is a miracle bird and wandered back to us yesterday evening, very very sick. We have no idea what is wrong, and are desperate to save our birdie.
here are her symptoms:
-feather loss (though some are growing back now)
-bad eye sight (when she tries to peck at food, she misses)
-no egg-laying
-not pooping
-not eating or drinking on her own
-very off balance
-very quiet
-very low energy/lethargic and tired
-neck twisted ~180 degrees
We think it may be mites, but none are visible. Marek's is unlikely, as she was vaccinated (are birds known to get Marek's despite being vaccinated?) We have been giving her garlic (at least trying to) and feeding her humming bird nectar, wet bread and yogurt as that is what we can get her to eat. She is quarantined away from the other girls in our house in a large, plastic box with pine shavings in it.
I greatly appreciate any and all help.
Many thanks!
her neck is twisted like this all the time now…
Hermes is an Ameraucana, about three years old, lately, she began loosing her feathers. We thought she was molting, but then she became much more low energy and sickly looking. Two days ago, she wandered off. We searched high and low, all throughout the woods, but to no avail. We thought she was dead. Hermes, however, is a miracle bird and wandered back to us yesterday evening, very very sick. We have no idea what is wrong, and are desperate to save our birdie.
here are her symptoms:
-feather loss (though some are growing back now)
-bad eye sight (when she tries to peck at food, she misses)
-no egg-laying
-not pooping
-not eating or drinking on her own
-very off balance
-very quiet
-very low energy/lethargic and tired
-neck twisted ~180 degrees
We think it may be mites, but none are visible. Marek's is unlikely, as she was vaccinated (are birds known to get Marek's despite being vaccinated?) We have been giving her garlic (at least trying to) and feeding her humming bird nectar, wet bread and yogurt as that is what we can get her to eat. She is quarantined away from the other girls in our house in a large, plastic box with pine shavings in it.
I greatly appreciate any and all help.
Many thanks!