Chicken Math.... introducing 2 older hens to 16 week pullets...

Jul 20, 2017
Hey all!

So ... I've now had my 6 (16) week old pullets for a few weeks.. they're all doing fabulous and I am totally enjoying them! I have decided to add 2 mature (2 year old) laying hens to the group. I just would like to have some eggs now, as well as having the older birds kind of show the young ones the ropes if possible.

I'm picking the 2 news gals up tomorrow evening after they go to roost, so to introduce.. should I just place them in the coop with the pullets when I get them back? They have a coop and attached run which they use during the day. Will they all settle their pecking order fairly quickly? Should be alright since the 2 older birds are the newcomers?

Any tips or tricks?
Quarantine them first!!!

Introducing new birds can introduce disease. You can have them near each other but don't integrate them until absolutely know they're healthy.
When do pullets generally start to lay? I was told they are 14-16 weeks old. They are Lohman Browns if that makes a difference.
I think you can add them without to many problems, you have more of the younger birds, and the less of the older birds, there probably will be some squabbles, but should not be too bad.
If you quarantine them, they must be kept far apart. If they are not, you are pretending to quarantine. While it is a good idea, it is close to impossible in most small back yard set ups.

Do be aware of how much space you have. Your pullets are not yet full grown, so will get a bit bigger, what was enough space for chicks can rapidly become too small of space for full size birds. Adding birds in to too small of space, can be very tough.
Quarantine them first!!!
Introducing new birds can introduce disease. You can have them near each other but don't integrate them until absolutely know they're healthy.
No, you can't. True(effective) quarantine demands that they be a good distance(300') apart.

BYC Medical Quarantine Article
BYC 'quarantine' search

Do be aware of how much space you have. Your pullets are not yet full grown, so will get a bit bigger, what was enough space for chicks can rapidly become too small of space for full size birds. Adding birds in to too small of space, can be very tough.
Well my entire yard isn't 300" in the area where the birds need to be (because of dogs and neighbors etc) so I guess I'll just have to be very aware and take that risk. They are coming from a good friend who has healthy birds and never travels with them. I know that doesn't guarantee my flock's safety but.. unfortunately we are in a limited space and I wouldn't be able to properly quarantine them. Unless I stole hubby's garage.. hmmm
It is not fool proof, but healthy does look healthy. Do NOT take any bird you are sorry for. I have got away with it many times. However, it is a real risk.


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