Chicken not putting pressure on one leg


Apr 26, 2023
My 9 week old Black Australorp hen is not putting any pressure on one leg. I found her hiding under the elevated water dish. So I separated her from the other hens her age. I have her in a tote with peat moss bedding. I have checked her and there is no visible injuries, nor does it feel like her leg is broken. I touched on her leg to feel for an injury, but haven't found any.

She has been eating, drinking and pooping daily. She just lays there, she has given herself a dust bath with the peat moss with her non hurt leg. And she moves around the tote, but she doesn't want to stand or put any pressure on her leg.

How do I help her with her leg, do I give her an epsom soak, do I give her aspirin for pain?
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Chickens are pretty miraculous at healing, I would continue to keep her separate and quiet. Hopefully it's just a minor injury and a few days of R&R will be all that is needed. Good luck!
Chickens are pretty miraculous at healing, I would continue to keep her separate and quiet. Hopefully it's just a minor injury and a few days of R&R will be all that is needed. Good luck!
Would it be OK to put her soaking in a warm bath so I can clean her, she has poop stuck in her under feathers
Do you know if your in-laws have ever had any chickens that have had trouble walking?
Or if their flock was vaccinated for Marek's disease?

Is your flock vaccinated for Marek's disease?
Do you know if your in-laws have ever had any chickens that have had trouble walking?
Or if their flock was vaccinated for Marek's disease?

Is your flock vaccinated for Marek's disease?
No they have never had any chickens that had trouble walking nor have they been vaccinated for Marek's disease.
Also, this group of hens is no where near the other hens, they are in a totally separate coop.

This hen I am referring to is a runt(1/2 the size of her sisters) compared to her sisters. She has always been the smallest since we got them. And they are a rowdy bunch. I am thinking that she was trampled by the bigger hens in the cage. And when I went to feed them she was under the water dish. She was fine that morning and the day before.

Also, like mentioned above, she is eating and drinking and pooping just fine.
Can you upload a video of her
And as you can see in one of the photos when I pick her up she stretches her left foot while her right foot stays close to her body. Please let me know if you need more videos or photos


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