Chicken opening mouth and gasping for air?


In the Brooder
Feb 28, 2021
My hen started opening her mouth for air a few weeks ago. My mom said it's just texas summer heat (around 80-90F in the day) but right now, even when it's cool / in the night she still is opening her mouth and gasping for air. I am worried that she might be sick but I am not sure if it could be gapeworm or some respiratory disease. She is free range in our backyard and currently still has a decent appetite & drinks water. I'm currently giving her some garlic every morning and planning to try a gapeworm treatment. The vet here is too expensive for us to go so I am asking here if anyone has any other tips or things to try.
She currently doesn't have any other signs of illness except opening mouth&gasping for air, but I don't want to wait and risk it since we already lost one of our hens to illness before.

Hi Jian, How is your chicken today?
If you think the temperature is the culprit, Put her in a cool place, give her cold water (you might put icecubes inside) and if possible feed her chopped up frozen fruit like strawberries or blueberries... See if it helps...
I am in TX too- it’s so hot this year. I have a chicken doing the same but I think it is more than heat. Separate her if you can. I have used colloidal silver on my chickens since it’s a natural antibiotic and lysine, which is an antiviral. I try not to use medication‘s on the chickens.
I have had three of my chickens this week nearly passed out from heat exhaustion because they will not get off the nest boxes and apparently chickens don’t always drink when they’re thirsty. I put a small container with water they can stand in. We’ve had to now put 3 fans in the coop.
I have not figured out why the one chicken is gasping for air and it goes in cycles. I e kept in in a kennel in my house and let her out regularly to stretch. Blessings and prayers over our flock!❤🫶

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