chicken pecks me


11 Years
May 28, 2013
Hi, I have a golden polish 5 1/2 mon. who used to be sweet, every since I trimmed her hair to see better, she's pecked at my hand. One day when I went to sit with them she pecked at my hand. She also sometimes will follow behind me and then when I turn acts like she's going to come at me. Kind of like a rooster would. She is lowest on pecking order with another polish 1yr ( head of the coop) and 2 Easter eggers 5 1/2 mon.( who never peck any of them) Not sure what's made her want to peck at me more, she's never done that before. Is there a way to get her to stop? She takes treats fine from me. :idunno
When she does that, peck her back with you fingers gently but firmly. If she keeps at it, hold her down until she calms down. Basically treat her the same way that someone who's attempting to reform an aggressive roo would. Eg Make her move out of you way rather than step around her and using the above techniques I described. No, it usually isn't too effective with aggressive roos most of the time, but it often works with hens. It may take a bit, but she should eventually get the idea

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