Help! I live in Phoenix it's not abnormal to see 115+ degree days in the summer. This is our first time with chicks we hatched on our own they are 6 weeks. They are now out in their coop BUT aside from frozen treats/water we have a misting system over the coop and twice a day our yard sprinklers come on which does wet the coop. (The chicks love it) I always thought they didn't like water but they get in water bowls and sit under misters as well it's so funny! Anyway... Our run has some grass but mostly dirt and here it is horrible clay dirt that does not drain well. We don't want deep litter but want a way to help with keeping the run a little less wet. We have sand in the coop and love it. We thought about adding sand to the run but would it really be that bad if it got wet? I've also considered adding pea gravel or something similar that is not so hard on their feet but they would still be able to scratch to the dirt. Please help any suggestions? There is no way to avoid the area getting wet, if it's not I will end up with baked chickens and we don't want that route we actually love these nuggets