In the Brooder
- Sep 5, 2021
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Lemon, our beloved pet chicken, has been sick for over 8 weeks. I've tried nearly everything, but she continues to decline. No bird vets available in the area, so I really need your help!
Picture of healthy Lemon (scroll down for pictures of sick Lemon)
Main problem: Slow crop / crop stasis, but it's far more complicated than that (keep reading)
Picture of healthy Lemon (scroll down for pictures of sick Lemon)
Main problem: Slow crop / crop stasis, but it's far more complicated than that (keep reading)
- Breed: Buff Orpington
- Age: 2.5 years
- Current Weight: 3 pounds (skin and bones)
- Normal Weight: 4.3 pounds
- Flock Size: 4 (first chickens I've owned)
- All 3 other chickens 100% healthy
- Lemon is top of the pecking order
- No signs of injury, bleeding, trauma
- No signs of mites/lice/fleas/parasites
- Diet: MannaPro Organic Layer Pellets & free range foraging (bugs, grass, grit, seeds, etc)
- Poop: Mostly liquid / diarrhea / runny (pictures below). Typically green color. No blood. Occasional cecal poops.
- Location: California (warm climate)
- See below for details on eating, drinking, and activity level
- Part 1:
- Observed vent gleet for months (didn't realize it was a problem at the time)
- Started refusing treats (sunflower seeds, raisins, peanuts, rice)
- Stopped laying eggs
- Comb began to droop. Became lethargic.
- Quarantined from other chickens indoors
- Stopped eating and drinking. Slept most of the day.
- Hypothesis A: Respiratory & Crop issues
- Observations:
- Vent gleet & feather loss near vent
- Sour crop / crop not emptying / "doughy crop" as defined here
- Algae/scum observed in water (cleaned immediately)
- Firm hindquarters, flaming red skin near vent (not ascites / water belly
- Heavy/labored breathing when lying down.
- Comb turning darker red with purple splotches over several days.
- Treatment:
- VetRx 4-5x per day on nostrils via Q-tip
- Massaging crop & tube feeding:
- "Crop buster" as defined here (lemon juice, spices, etc)
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Nutri-Drench (1ml per day)
- Garlic water
- Electrolyte powder
- Oil of oregano (2 drops per day)
- Results:
- Breathing problems fully resolved.
- Crop started draining
- Tube-fed Harrison's juvenile formula 3x daily
- Significant activity level improvement. Comb began to straighten up and return to normal color
- Hindquarters returned to normal softness (no longer firm)
- Skin color near vent returned to normal
- Observations:
- After 1 week, her comb was 90% upright, and behavior returned to normal
- Returned to the flock. I realize now I returned her to the flock too soon...
- Part 2
- 1 week later, she was still not laying eggs
- Comb started drooping again, crop not emptying, becoming lethargic, etc
- Quarantined from other chickens indoors
- Hypothesis B: Internal blockage of upper digestive tract
- Treatment:
- Epsom salt flush
- Molasses flush
- Vegetable oil
- Dulcolax stool softener
- Kefir yogurt / probiotics
- Results:
- Pooping frequency increased.
- Increased solid material in stool.
- Minimal activity level improvement.
- No change to comb droop.
- Treatment:
- Hypothesis C: Internal blockage of lower digestive tract
- Treatment: Vegetable oil enema
- Results:
- Pooping frequency increased.
- No activity level changes.
- No comb changes.
- Hypothesis D:Fungal infection
- Treatment: Miconazole. 1ml, 3x per day, orally for 7 days. Also rubbed in/around vent occasionally.
- Results: No improvement
- Hypothesis E: Worms/Parasites
- Treatment: SafeGuard Goat Dewormer (fenbendazole 10% suspension). 3ml per gallon of water. 1-2x daily for 3 days.
- Results: No improvement
- Hypothesis F: Salmonella / E-Coli
- Observation:
- LOTS of burping / crop gas
- Wild birds bathing in chicken water dish (cleaned immediately)
- Mice/rat droppings observed in the chicken run (actively trying to eradicate)
- White goop appeared in front corners of eyes (not bubbles)
- Treatment:
- Acidified Copper Sulfate
- 1/4 teaspoon per gallon of water for 7 days
- Stopped treatment for 3 days
- Restarted for 3 days at 2x concentration
- Did I give her enough? (don't want to overdose her)
- Acidified Copper Sulfate
- Results
- Biggest overall improvement of any treatment attempted thus far
- White goop in eyes disappeared in 1-2 days
- Burping / crop gas ceased almost entirely
- Poop began to solidify (nearly normal solids instead of runny)
- Poop frequency increased to ~11 per day
- Comb color began to change from dark red / purple splotches to the more normal, lighter red.
- Behavior drastically improved. Highly active, started squawking more.
- Observation:
- Throughout all the above through today, her crop still will not fully drain
- Her crop overfills, I induce vomiting, she feels/acts better, I give a small amount of food/water, crop partially drains, I provide more food/water, crop stops draining, and the entire cycle repeats itself every few days.
- Vomit is increasingly strong and foul smelling
- She is severely dehydrated (super dry comb, dry skin around vent)
- Comb still has dark discolorations & now has small growths. Our temperature is warm (it's not frostbite), and she is isolated from other chickens (not bullying). Fowl pox?
- She is skin and bones (lightest weight ever) at 3 pounds
- She acts like she's starving (because she is) and tries to eat everything (bugs, roots, seeds)
- I stop her from eating bugs, roots, seeds because these come up in her vomit (they're not being digested / reclogging her?)
- I no longer let her forage, and only give her Harrison's formula
- I believe I'm keeping her alive due to tube-feeding food, water, electrolytes, nutri-drench, and forced-vomiting.
- I understand forced-vomiting is dangerous, but I felt it was the only option
- Miconazole (over-the-counter antifungal cream)
- SafeGuard Dewormer (fenbendazole 10%)
- Acidified Copper Sulfate
- Dulcolax stool softener
- VetRx
- Nutri-Drench
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Electrolyte powder
- Probiotic powder
- Garlic water
- Oregano oil
- Kefir yogurt
- Crop Buster (lemon juice & spices)
- Epsom salt flush
- Molasses flush
- Vegetable oil (orally and in vent)
- Antibiotics (not sure which ones to use, nor how to obtain - No available bird vets nearby)
- Corid (coccidiosis?)
- Subcutaneous injection (to treat dehydration)
- Crop bra - Tried a few times, but led to liquid coming out mouth. Lemon also seemed super uncomfortable. Should I try again?
- What am I missing? What should I try next? Acidified Copper Sulfate resulted in notable improvements, but her crop still didn't drain. I stopped Acidified Copper Sulfate because I'm worried about overdosing her. Should I give her more?
- Any ideas @TwoCrows @Eggcessive @casportpony @Pyxis @OneMountainAcres @ronott1 @theoldchick @Wyorp Rock @Kiki @drumstick diva @sourland @N F C @penny1960 ?
- We love this chicken and want to save her!
- Face / comb
- Poop
Ranges from wet to semi-wet to more solid. Generally greenish, but may be due to Harrison's formula being green.
- Dry skin near vent
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