Chicken Sick - Very Broad Symptoms


In the Brooder
Mar 22, 2024
1) I have a year old Cream Legbar Hen, about 3.5 lbs , about the same size as her sister who is perfectly fine.
2) she has a swollen eye on the right side of her face. She also has a fairly hard lump in the middle of her two wattles about the size of the end of an average thumb, it is somewhat warm to the touch, it is fairly hard. On inspection when I looked inside of her mouth she had what appeared to be canker on the right side of her mouth, further back, it had made almost like a pocket, and it seems like that is what has made its way to the lump in between the wattles? When I squeezed on it from the outside I was able to free a large amount of it from within and remove it. The lump, while smaller is still very much so present. When looking in the mouth now and pushing on it from the outside you can see like swollen misformed skin growth with still like a pocket, but no more canker like material is visable.
3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms? 7 days ago is when I first noticed.
4) Are other birds exhibiting the same symptoms? None, I closely inspected all other 13 and could not find any others with any of the same symptoms.
5) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma. Not that I could tell.
6) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation. Nothing I am aware of, no new flock members, not free range, plenty of coop and run space. Unsure what’s happened.
7) What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all. A 18% layer feed by nutrena, also an occasional mealworm or scratch treat but that’s very infrequent.
8) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny? etc. it looked normal at first, however after medication it’s been slightly green and runnier. No blood.
9) What has been the treatment you have administered so far? Fish Zole 250mg for 5 days, rinsed eye 2x per day with saline, LA-200 , none of what seem to be super successful. Although she is still very lively and active and eats and drinks. I have pushed on the more swollen parts of the eye firmly and there has not been any pus , there has also been no eye bubbles, the only strange part is that on the inside corner of the eye facing the beak if i pull back her eyelid to see more, she has some bright green looking color to her eyelid, it cannot be wiped away, it’s not liquidy, it’s almost like it’s the color of the third eyelid there in the corner. I’m not convinced it’s related.
10 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? For example, do you want to treat completely yourself, or do you need help in stabilizing the bird til you can get to a vet? No vets available, ideally treat myself.
11) If you have a picture of the wound or condition, please post it. It may help. Did my best
12) Describe the housing/bedding in use , in quarantine coop, with pine shavings, hydro hen water, and some high protein layer feed. It stays clean.

I feel like it’s a strange grouping of symptoms that have not responded well to broad treatment that are not usually closely related and it really has me stumped. I would have also expected to see one other bird with some symptoms, but there appears to be none. Any suggestions are welcome.


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I would be concerned that your chicken might have tumors, since there has not been any pus expressed from the eye area. Can you take a picture of the canker inside the beak? Would it be possible to see a farm vet for advice?
I would be concerned that your chicken might have tumors, since there has not been any pus expressed from the eye area. Can you take a picture of the canker inside the beak? Would it be possible to see a farm vet for advice?
This is really the best I can get of that area, no canker is present now, however even before it was concealed inside like a pocket of growth, which is also where the swollen mass between the wattles. This picture is me pushing on that mass with the beak open. You can see that growth more on the 2nd picture I put in the original post, it’s the round shape


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You might have seen some feed inside the beak or pus, even. Has she had any sneeze or rattles when breathing? If she has tumors, it could be from a poultry virus. I would get a necropsy through your state vet if you lose her. I probably would also treat her with Tylosin, just in case of MG, a respiratory sinus infection. Here is a list of state vets to contact for a necropsy.
You might have seen some feed inside the beak or pus, even. Has she had any sneeze or rattles when breathing? If she has tumors, it could be from a poultry virus. I would get a necropsy through your state vet if you lose her. I probably would also treat her with Tylosin, just in case of MG, a respiratory sinus infection. Here is a list of state vets to contact for a necropsy.
I have a state lab about 15 minutes from me that can do them, and I certainly will should I lose her. No sneezing, no rattles or heavy breathing. Tylosin was going to be my choice however I cannot get it any longer with law changes unfortunately. I think this is one that I am just going to have to let play out for a bit and keep watching
Today her eye looked larger, however it also appears to have some white line. Anybody seen this before? It’s still not releasing any pus


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