- Feb 4, 2025
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I have a 4 month old chicken we hatched. He had been fine and my husband let the flock out one morning and noticed this one was flopping on the ground. I brought him inside, cleaned up his vent and made sure I didn’t visibly see any signs of injury, which I didn’t. Checked for any skin conditions or bumble foot, nothing. I separated him from the rest of the flock with a heat lamp since it’s been so cold, fresh feed, fresh water, and added some pepper flakes in case something was going on internally. I’ve checked him multiple times a day, he pecks at the food and water but doesn’t seem to actually be ingesting any, his crop is empty and soft. I’m not sure what else to do with him but he seems to be slowly starving… I washed him up again since he isn’t getting up and just sitting in his own feces, the poop looks like the normal chicken poop but it reeked like fish and ammonia so badly it burned my nose. I really am not sure what is going on and I wanted to make sure I’ve tried everything. I’ve felt his bones and spine and wings and they feel normal but I’m also not a professional. No eye crusties or anything either..