It’s not Tetris exactly. It’s more like that kid’s game where you move the squares around to try to make the picture. Or maybe it’s a chicken rubix cube.
Anywho… I need to move some birds around and they need to move at the same time because they are occupying spaces I need. So I don’t have a great way to slowly integrate them.
I want to swap out one of the roosters/cockerels in my bachelor “flock” of 2. Cloudy and Phantom are currently roomies, but Cloudy is moving out and MJ is moving in with Phantom. Since there are no hens involved, could I just put the 2 boys together (and monitor of course). Is there any possibility that can work? The boys are 7 months and are mostly unfamiliar with one another. Phantom is used to being a bachelor. He’s the more submissive of the current pair, and is a little smaller than the new guy. MJ needs removed from his current flock (hens & older roo who is sick of his shenanigans). I predict MJ will be the more dominant of the 2. I expect squabbling- but will they figure out who’s the boss quickly?
Cloudy, the boy who is leaving the bachelor pad, is going into a new coop and getting 3 henfriends from my main big flock. Since I’m introducing girls (who get along) to a boy, could they be put together right away (again- I’d monitor). But could that possibly work? These birds are also 7 months and grew up together. Cloudy the cockerel was removed from the big flock at around 4ish months but still lived in an enclosure in the chicken yard so they still saw each other daily. He only got moved to the bachelor flock about a month ago, so he and his henfriends haven’t seen each other since then. I expect he’ll chase and mate them but thinking they might settle down after that.
I do have space for one “see don’t touch” situation but the birds will all have to move at the same time so I don’t have a good way to do this with both sets of birds. Do you think it’s easier to put 2 roosters together or to introduce hens to a rooster?
I know all birds are different and I know there will be some arguing, but is it possible this will work or am I setting myself up for failure? If anything gets too violent I will remove the birds and rethink my plan.
I’d love to hear recommendations and/or your experiences.
If it’s helpful to know, Cloudy and his lady friends are all Barnevelders. MJ and Phantom are Bielefelder mixes (brothers).
Here are Phantom & Cloudy snuggling in their bachelor pad.
Anywho… I need to move some birds around and they need to move at the same time because they are occupying spaces I need. So I don’t have a great way to slowly integrate them.
I want to swap out one of the roosters/cockerels in my bachelor “flock” of 2. Cloudy and Phantom are currently roomies, but Cloudy is moving out and MJ is moving in with Phantom. Since there are no hens involved, could I just put the 2 boys together (and monitor of course). Is there any possibility that can work? The boys are 7 months and are mostly unfamiliar with one another. Phantom is used to being a bachelor. He’s the more submissive of the current pair, and is a little smaller than the new guy. MJ needs removed from his current flock (hens & older roo who is sick of his shenanigans). I predict MJ will be the more dominant of the 2. I expect squabbling- but will they figure out who’s the boss quickly?
Cloudy, the boy who is leaving the bachelor pad, is going into a new coop and getting 3 henfriends from my main big flock. Since I’m introducing girls (who get along) to a boy, could they be put together right away (again- I’d monitor). But could that possibly work? These birds are also 7 months and grew up together. Cloudy the cockerel was removed from the big flock at around 4ish months but still lived in an enclosure in the chicken yard so they still saw each other daily. He only got moved to the bachelor flock about a month ago, so he and his henfriends haven’t seen each other since then. I expect he’ll chase and mate them but thinking they might settle down after that.
I do have space for one “see don’t touch” situation but the birds will all have to move at the same time so I don’t have a good way to do this with both sets of birds. Do you think it’s easier to put 2 roosters together or to introduce hens to a rooster?
I know all birds are different and I know there will be some arguing, but is it possible this will work or am I setting myself up for failure? If anything gets too violent I will remove the birds and rethink my plan.
I’d love to hear recommendations and/or your experiences.
If it’s helpful to know, Cloudy and his lady friends are all Barnevelders. MJ and Phantom are Bielefelder mixes (brothers).
Here are Phantom & Cloudy snuggling in their bachelor pad.