Chicken toe fell off


Feb 11, 2025
I noticed about a week ago my roasters long toe was white/pink. I have been treating with episode salt soaks, hydrogen peroxide, newsprint and some kind of foot spray for poultry from the farm store. We today the tip of his tow fell off. Not sure if the rest will happen or what this is... please help!


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Most likely frostbite. How cold is it where you are? Is she outside a lot?
Yes he is out in our run all the time. It is cold here and I noticed our run is holding puddles of water from the snow melting. If frost bite, will the other toes that are white/pink all off as well? His toes are normally grayish/black. I have been keeping him inside and keeping the one wrapped. My concern is infection now, with the one toe falling off.
Yes he is out in our run all the time. It is cold here and I noticed our run is holding puddles of water from the snow melting. If frost bite, will the other toes that are white/pink all off as well? His toes are normally grayish/black. I have been keeping him inside and keeping the one wrapped. My concern is infection now, with the one toe falling off.
It depends on how deep the frostbite got. From the picture I would guess not but mabey a little will fall off. Keeping antibiotics on him should help!@

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