Chicken wire or wire mesh


Sep 3, 2024
Middle East
What’s the difference between the two?
I found locally both options, but had started off with the small wire mesh (little squares) but I had seen the typical chicken wire.

Can someone fill me in with the pros and cons? I have a whole side left and need some more. If it makes sense to use one over the other, I’ll finish with whichever is recommended. Thanks.


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Assuming it is all installed properly. The connections are strong and you don't leave gaps predators can squeeze through. Both common mistakes.

Chicken wire is less expensive. It will keep chickens in and many predators out. The openings are big enough that some weasels, snakes, rats, and mice can get through. Certain critters like raccoons, dogs, and coyotes can tear it or distort it. Chicken wire provides some protection but certainly is not perfect. It is generally a pretty light gauge.

There are different wire meshes. One we generally talk about is hardware cloth. The holes are 1/4" or 1/2" squares. The gauge is a little heavier than chicken wire so it is harder to tear. The mesh is small enough that critters can't get through. A big boar raccoon or big dog can tear the lighter gauge hardware cloth but it is stronger than chicken wire.

Then we have welded wire. The openings are bigger. A couple of common sizes are 1" x 1" or 2" x 4" though there are others. Some people consider 1x1 to be hardware cloth but I've never seen it advertised as such. The gauge is heavier so it is resistant to tearing but the bigger holes allow certain critters to get through. It should stop the larger predators up to a bear. No wire will stop a determined bear.
Assuming it is all installed properly. The connections are strong and you don't leave gaps predators can squeeze through. Both common mistakes.

Chicken wire is less expensive. It will keep chickens in and many predators out. The openings are big enough that some weasels, snakes, rats, and mice can get through. Certain critters like raccoons, dogs, and coyotes can tear it or distort it. Chicken wire provides some protection but certainly is not perfect. It is generally a pretty light gauge.

There are different wire meshes. One we generally talk about is hardware cloth. The holes are 1/4" or 1/2" squares. The gauge is a little heavier than chicken wire so it is harder to tear. The mesh is small enough that critters can't get through. A big boar raccoon or big dog can tear the lighter gauge hardware cloth but it is stronger than chicken wire.

Then we have welded wire. The openings are bigger. A couple of common sizes are 1" x 1" or 2" x 4" though there are others. Some people consider 1x1 to be hardware cloth but I've never seen it advertised as such. The gauge is heavier so it is resistant to tearing but the bigger holes allow certain critters to get through. It should stop the larger predators up to a bear. No wire will stop a determined bear.
No worries. I have no bears or raccoons or anything other than stray cats.
Thank you for your detailed response!
Nope. Not in the country I live in.
In the zoo there are :)
There are wild boar about a two hour drive from me though - I’ve heard.
I would have sworn on all that was holy that we also didnt have racoons or foxes around here at all. Never saw sign of either of them. No scat, no prints in the snow, not showing up on cameras that point from the front of the house towards the road and cover the front yard.

Then I got chickens and put them in the backyard. And put a camera pointing at the coop.



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