Chicken with severe sinus infection???


Living in a galaxy far, far away...
8 Years
Oct 17, 2016
I have a 7y/o EE hen who seems to have a nasty sinus infection. The left side of her face is super swollen around her eye, and there’s bubbly discharge coming from her eye.
A few weeks ago there were multiple chickens in my flock showing these symptoms, but with discharge in both their eyes and nose, and very lethargic. Two of them died from it. I had the vet come out and she prescribed them an antibiotic that helped, but whatever it is is back again for this poor girl (tho it’s not as severe and she’s still fairly active). I’m really concerned about her eye - it could just be all the swelling, but it looks like it’s sinking into her head.

Here are some pictures

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Has anyone seen anything like this before? Do you have any tips for treating it in addition to vet care?
Forgot to mention that I’ve been using VetRx as well. My sister was able to save two of them who were close to dying with just that while I was away at college (10/10 would recommend the stuff). I’ve been adding it to their water and putting some on her nose too.

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