Chicken with SEVERE swelling in her sinus/and around the eye, PLEASE HELP IDK WHAT IT IS OR WHAT TO DO IS THIS CORYZA?

Kalista Potter

Sep 25, 2019
Hello BYC,
these last three weeks have been quite hard as one of my chickens has a Severe swelling in her sinus as well as around her eye its gotten really bad to where inside her mouth her pallette has been pushed outwards (photos of her eye and everything will be down below).

Shes eating and drinkng fine it is however making it very difficult for her to see as she can barely see from her other eye and her pushed pallette is also making it difficult as well.
Her poos are definitely normal and is your standed white cap poo

She seems to have formed puss underneath her eye hard/yet it's soft to touch and i drain her nose and this liquid ( most likely the infection comes out of her neres) the color I'd describe it as would be amber yellow and lately its a browny red? She has alot of yellow like crustings over her face (the swollen side as well as her face that isn't) I have no clue what has caused it but i really would love help and information about this.

I should also note her peak was never crooked like untill she had gotten her swollen eye.

This is my first time dealing with a issue like this does anyone have any advice?
I've been giving her doxycyline and she has had over 6 days worth with no improvement does anyone know if this is coryza or something entirely treatment?

Can you be too late to treat coryza?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated,

i really need some information on this thanks BYC,
photos of her will be down below



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If there is a foul odor coming from around her head area, it's Coryza. If there isnt a foul odor, I suspect Mycoplasma Gallisepticum (MG.) It's also possible for birds to have both diseases at the same time. If that's the case, you would need a sulfa drug such as SMZ-TMP or sulfadimethoxine and a potent antibiotic such as Baytril given at the same time to treat Coryza. The Baytril would treat MG.
Are any other birds showing symptoms? As you probably already know, both Coryza and MG are highly contagious.
If none others are infected, it would be best to cull the sick bird and bury it far away from your healthy birds.
If there is a foul odor coming from around her head area, it's Coryza. If there isnt a foul odor, I suspect Mycoplasma Gallisepticum (MG.) It's also possible for birds to have both diseases at the same time. If that's the case, you would need a sulfa drug such as SMZ-TMP or sulfadimethoxine and a potent antibiotic such as Baytril given at the same time to treat Coryza. The Baytril would treat MG.
Are any other birds showing symptoms? As you probably already know, both Coryza and MG are highly contagious.
If none others are infected, it would be best to cull the sick bird and bury it far away from your healthy birds.
No other birds are sick, besides her, i wanted baytril for her but im unsure on where you can get it i heard its now ilegail to use on chickens.
Where can you find baytril other then a vet ? As well as the sulfa drugs SMZ-TMP?

Its very hard to say if its a foul odour around her head there is a smell to her however its hard to say if you would consider it a foul smell but its not a regular chicken scent if that at all makes sense it does smell slightly off though you could say.

Is there a ever too late to treat chickens with MG as well as coryza?
You can treat but not cure either disease. Birds are carriers for life. Stress will bring out symptoms.
Here's where you can get Baytril as well as a sulfa drug.
Yes, i do know its something you cant cure but im willing enough to keep her in the flock then to cull her. i do Know the disease will spread and can't be cured but I'll like to let her live her life as much as she can

Do you also think you could send me a link to the correct slufa drug for chickens would be greatly appreciated?

Thankyou, would you say it is a trusted website?

And the photos i had sent of her do you think the baytril as well as the sulfa drug will work on her or will it be to late? She already has hard like puss under her eye sells the sulfa antibiotic medicox as well as 10% enrofloxacin (Baytril.) I have had good luck ordering from them. I believe allbirdproducts is good as well, but have not ordered there. Dosage of 10% Baytril is 0.05 ml per pound of weight given twice daily for 5 days. That is 0.25 ml for a 5 pound chicken. Walmart and many pharmacies have needle-less 1 ml syringes to give babies and animals small dosages. That makes it easier to figure a dosage so small.

The pus usually needs to be expressed by gently squeezing the eyelid.
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Here is a graphic video of removing pus:

You can flush the eye with saline or eye wash. Then apply antibiotic ointment 2-3 times per day.
Thanks what kind of saline/eye wash can you use that's safe for them? Is it possible to send a photo/link

Where can you get antibiotic oinment that's safe for your chickens and how/where would you apply around the eye and sinus and whole face?

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