In the Brooder
- Sep 5, 2023
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Okay, so my little backyard flock has been experiencing chicken death almost monthly since August. At the end of summer we had a bought of dry pox make its way through the flock. Everyone made it through without issues, save a slight decline in egg production. A few weeks later, a Silkie roo died unexpectedly. I October a Barred Rock pullet (6 mo) became lethargic, wasn't eating or drinking much, and died a few days later. Since then we have lost a 4 month old EE and a 5-6 month old Silkie bantam. Now I have a 8 month old Buff Orpington beginning to show the same behavior. She's laying down a lot, stumbled when she got up, just seems like something's off. The symptoms are all the same. No diarrhea, no congestion, no worms, nothing that stands out other than they just seem to decline and die within a few days. I don't know what is going on and there are no poultry vets anywhere near me.