Chickens hatching quail?

Three Little Bunnies

5 Years
Jul 1, 2019
New Mexico

I have a broody bantam frizzle Cochin, and I'm considering letting her hatch something. My friend with quail said domestic quail can't hatch their own eggs, but maybe a chicken could? Would a chicken be able to hatch quail and raise them?

If she didn't inadvertently crush the eggs, she might be able to hatch them. I'm not certain whether or not the quail chicks would respond to 'hen language'. I once had a bantam hen hatch ringneck pheasant chicks. They ran away at the first opportunity and never really responded to her.
Hi, I have hatched 2 separate clutches of Coturnix Quail under a bantam chicken. She raised them well, the first batch didnt last long, because they got stood on, and dirt thrown on them whilst she scratched. The second batch, we had four that lasted 4 weeks, and she took them all round the backyard, and they responded to her and understood her very well and came running when she called them. The mistakes were all due to me, really, because she normally lives up a tree, and I would keep her in the little outdoor pen Id made for them at night. but at 4 weeks the chicks were all feathered up, and when she hopped out of pen to go roost up the tree, they were all in the pen calling to her; and I thought they would be able to fly up said tree, so I let them out of the pen. In the morning, no baby quails. ANYHOO, I have now bought some cali Quail eggs, and I think I realise a bit more now what NOT to do! So fingers crossed, its day 22 today so I'll keep you updated.

I have a broody bantam frizzle Cochin, and I'm considering letting her hatch something. My friend with quail said domestic quail can't hatch their own eggs, but maybe a chicken could? Would a chicken be able to hatch quail and raise them?

We have successfully hatched quail in our incubator, but they are struggling. Looking to see how to help them survive.

I was wondering if you had tried using a chicken to hatch quail eggs and how it turned out?

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