chickens passing bloody poop


6 Years
May 28, 2013
I have two 3 month old barred rocks. One of them has some blood in their poop. Can anyone tell me what this might be?
If it is straight Red blood it is Cocci if it is brownish it could be natural stomach lining that is passing. I just went through Coccidiouis, go to a tractor supply or feed store and get some meds called Corid. I used the liquid there is powder also. Give them 10 ML per gallon of water the faster you can get it to them the better. Give them this med for 5 to 7 days it should clear up. Somethimes the damage is to bad but if you catch it early it should be ok.
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Here's how to tell the difference between coccidiosis and intestinal lining: the lining looks like rust colored snot. Poke it with a piece of pine shaving bedding. Does it stretch like snot does when you have a cold? If so, and the color is very dull red, it's lining. 

If it looks like a human got hurt and bled for a while in one spot, it's coccidiosis. Coccidiosis is BRIGHT red.


If it is coccidiosis, the dosage for liquid Corid is different than powdered Corid. A search here on BYC will give you that info, if you end up needing it.
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The poop was brown with a little blood swirled in it. I'm a nurse aide & I've seen people with blood in their stool. So maybe I'm just jumping at shadows. Lol. They seem to be acting just fine & I haven't seen any more bloody poo. So maybe we're in the clear.
Went out just now to check on my chickens & saw some more bloody poop, but it looks like chunky pieces of bloody stuff. I looked at the poop page & I'm pretty sure its just stomach lining. Both chickens still seem to be acting ok.
I just battled this. Lost some valuable breeder chicks, but saved others.

Corid. 1/2 teaspoon per gallong water. Available at TSC and other farm stores. Comes as a powder, in a pouch. Re-fill the waterers with the Corid solution water. Drench the feed with a small amount of the Corid water as well and serve in clean pans as a damp mash.

You really have to move fast with some of these virulent strains. Some of the 8 or 9 strains of coccidiosis are morphing and have become quite aggressive. Damp weather is a huge part of the issue and is a culprit. Clean out the stall, wash with ammonia and keep a sharp eye. Symptoms usually abate in just a day or two, but keep them on the Corid solution for a week or two.

Yogurt or Raw Milk also soothes the intestines and really helps in stopping the bleeding.
The sooner with the corid the better they have cocci. I also just went through this. It can get real bad real quick. They sell corid in powder or liquid I used the liquid it mixes 10cc to gallon water. Good luck keep use posted on jape they are doing.
Take a pic of the poop and post. And make sure u clean the bad poop up if other hens eat they all will be sick
The chickens are still looking just fine. Haven't seen any more bloody poop. For some reason, I'm having trouble posting pics.

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