Chickens stopped laying

One last thought, aside from being the time of year that many hens start molting and take a break from laying, added stresses can also negatively impact laying. The addition of the chicks, plus two cockerels coming of age where they are going to be interested in the hens, might be contributing.
One last thought, aside from being the time of year that many hens start molting and take a break from laying, added stresses can also negatively impact laying. The addition of the chicks, plus two cockerels coming of age where they are going to be interested in the hens, might be contributing.
I thought about the new chicks and the roosters getting things lined up, but i thought that would be worked out. So with that and a soft molt things should be better soon. No threats. They have 2 guardian dogs outside and sails.
Update. Roosters are gone, older hen passed,3 younger ones,( 2 roos and one hen) still here. I am now getting 4-5 eggs a day out 6 layers even with winter being here. I want to thank everyone for easing my mind and giving me the patience.

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