Chickens won't use new roost


Sep 9, 2015
Hello all,
I am somewhat new to this forum and I hope this works. I have recently completed a project for my chicken coop. I built two roosts in a ladder-type formation. However, the chickens don't seem to like it. I have seven laying hens and a rooster, whom we obtained when they were already laying. They haven't taken an interest in the roost and continue to sleep on top of the nesting boxes. Although I'm not too concerned, I also have 14 chicks about 2-3 months old who perch elsewhere. Any tips to help encourage the chickens to use the roosts? If not, how about the chicks? Anything to help them get used to it?! Not the best picture.
If the dowels were larger diameter than it would possibly attract the chickens to use them. Try this::: Attach a 2 X 4 flat side level at about 4 foot height. Then place your chickens there for the night. It will be like a training activity. Once the chickens feel comfortable roosting there, they will climb the ladder to their roost area. You may decide to redo the whole setup with 2 x 4s.. Another option is to replace dowels (because they are small diameter. in my opinion ) with natural tree branches of at least 2 1/2 inch diameter. ( or whatever you have that is close )

Most chickens seem to prefer a squared off roost, like a 2x4, with the 2 up, unless you are where it gets really cold than the 4 up, your roosts are probably not comfortable for larger grown chickens to roost on them, personally I would switch them out.
Our chickens prefer a wide, flat roost. Their roost is a 2 x 4 (4" side up). When we built the nesting boxes, Hubs used a 2" dowel for the perch that we already had but they wouldn't use it, he changed it out for a 1 x 4 (4" side up) and right away they took to it.
Your ladder roost is cute but not user-friendly. Birds want much larger diameter and rougher surfaced roosts, higher than the nest boxes. Either use 3" to 4" diameter branches, or split rail fencing, or 2x4 lumber. Mine also like the 4" fence posts used as rafters in my old coop. Mary
Change the ladder rung to 2x4 with the 4" side facing up. Take out every other rung horizontally to give the chickens more room to maneuver. Add support legs or bracing to the ladder so it won't slide down with chickens' weight or when the chickens jump up and down to access the roosting bars.

Another issue with this current design is that chickens like to roost high based on their pecking orders. This ladder structure is too narrow to house more than 2 to 4 chickens per row. With 14 chickens, they are going to have a fight every night to sort out the pecking order. It would be a lot more peaceful (for you and for them) to have one or two much longer roosting bars instead of many short ones. See what you can do to turn the ladder side way and modify it from there.
Agrees to change dowels out to 2x4, at least the ones that are higher than the nests......
......and put an sharply angled board on top of nests so they can't roost there.

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