We ordered 25 straight run chicks across 9 breeds. They have shipped 28 chicks. We paid for Express service, as our only other chick mail order arrived DOA last year, so we figured we would try Express mail.
The Breeds we requested:
White Chantecler
Black Copper Marans
Blue Copper Marans
Golden Laced Wyandotte
Creme Legbar
Blue Ameraucana
Salmon Faverolle
We also indicated subs were OK, and our sub list included these breeds:
Black Jersey Giant
White Minorca
Rose Comb Rhode Island Red
Interested to find out what we receive, and tracking indicates arrival tomorrow. I'm nervous bc USPS mishandled a previous chick order (from a different hatchery in a different location), and would like to receive live and healthy chicks (of course). Temps still cold, and wet. but with 28 chicks, they should at least help each other out a bit with warmth.
The Breeds we requested:
White Chantecler
Black Copper Marans
Blue Copper Marans
Golden Laced Wyandotte
Creme Legbar
Blue Ameraucana
Salmon Faverolle
We also indicated subs were OK, and our sub list included these breeds:
Black Jersey Giant
White Minorca
Rose Comb Rhode Island Red
Interested to find out what we receive, and tracking indicates arrival tomorrow. I'm nervous bc USPS mishandled a previous chick order (from a different hatchery in a different location), and would like to receive live and healthy chicks (of course). Temps still cold, and wet. but with 28 chicks, they should at least help each other out a bit with warmth.