Chicks coming by Express Mail- en route!


7 Years
Nov 12, 2017
Western Ohio
We ordered 25 straight run chicks across 9 breeds. They have shipped 28 chicks. We paid for Express service, as our only other chick mail order arrived DOA last year, so we figured we would try Express mail.

The Breeds we requested:
White Chantecler
Black Copper Marans
Blue Copper Marans
Golden Laced Wyandotte
Creme Legbar
Blue Ameraucana
Salmon Faverolle

We also indicated subs were OK, and our sub list included these breeds:
Black Jersey Giant
White Minorca
Rose Comb Rhode Island Red

Interested to find out what we receive, and tracking indicates arrival tomorrow. I'm nervous bc USPS mishandled a previous chick order (from a different hatchery in a different location), and would like to receive live and healthy chicks (of course). Temps still cold, and wet. but with 28 chicks, they should at least help each other out a bit with warmth.
Are they here? How's everyone?

I'm guessing you ordered from Sandhill? I'm curious if they were able to fill your wish list.

Here is the thread on their arrival:

We got all breeds we asked for, even though we indicated subs for all was ok. We received 3 extra chicks. We received only 1 of a breed we requested, but they threw in an extra breed on the sub list (rose comb RIR).

We had to cull one little chick with a distinct leg issue. That thread is here:

We've got one with a mild case of splay leg, so it is "hobbled" with the rubber band/drinking straw device to keep legs from straying too far and that chick is able to get around very well with that device on its legs.

Another had a mild case of splay leg, but it made the hobbling device disappear, bc I don't see it now, and I'm not sure who we put it on, so the legs aren't noticeably splayed today...which is good. All got Nutridrench yesterday, which maybe helped.

Another one had crooked toes (or they were broken - hard to say on a bitty chick), so we stabilized the feet with tape to hold toes how they should be, but took off the tape today bc it was not able to get around very well. This one seems a bit lethargic, so we make sure it drinks a few times a day, and have given it more Nutri Drench today, but I'm 50/50 as to whether it will survive.

Otherwise, all are running around, climbing up and over the feed tray, some can jump on top of the heat plate, and jump off again. They run from us (as expected), and drink and eat, and explore their large brooder. We pick up the heat plate, and several will be sleeping, but scatter when it is lifted. They are cheeping to talk, rather than in distress, so this is good!

Cute little fluffy chicks!
Sorry about the little guy who didn't make it...poor thing! I viewed the thread.
Glad everyone else is doing okay! And glad you got the breeds you wanted (although your back-ups were pretty good choices too!)

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