We just got new chicks on Saturday from a local farmers market. We received 4 ameraucanas and 6 of a layer breed, not completely sure what type. Some are older and bigger than the others, the oldest at almost three weeks and the youngest being around six days. We had four smaller/younger chicks, although one died without any indication of her being lethargic, as she was digging eating and drinking like normal. I'm worried about how the older ones seem to peck a lot at each other and resulting in missing down and feathers on almost all the chicks. It doesn't look too serious but it's still concerning. One of the small ones is also getting jumped on and trampled a lot and has been acting lethargic for a few days, but she still eats and drinks. Our brooder is 8 square feet, we have two roosts made out of wood that they like and a covered heating brooder we purchased off amazon. We recently moved to the South and aren't used to raising chicks in a warmer climate so I'm not sure if it's just too hot? Would separating the younger chicks to have more steady growth help?