Chick's wings is damaged, bleeding and muscle tissue is exposed.


5 Years
Mar 11, 2014
My mean silver laced wyandotte likes to pull and eat the feathers of my chicks. She has been doing it since about 5 weeks ago, but she have done a terrible damage today. I am keeping my chicks along with the broody hen inside the cage for at least 3 weeks, since birth, so that they are strong and big enough to survive the pecks of my adult free range chickens. When the chicks are near the side of the cage, she always try to pull the chick's feathers, so that she can eat them. She only do it on the chicks inside the cage, and since about 5 weeks ago, except today the chick's wings might bleed and the damage done is only at the skin level which can indicate that the damage is repairable.

I bought about 5 day old bantam chicks yesterday in the pet store. I tried to put them inside the broody hen cage that contains her 6 chicks who are similar in size as them during evening hours, and surprisingly, she adopts them. Today, I let my mean hen and other chickens free, and she pulled the wings of the feathers of the new chicks. At first I thought the damage to the wings is very small or none at all, but after she did it, the healthy looking chick, become looking like a sick chick. I think the tissue near the ulna is affected and some muscle tissue near the ulna is exposed(I took out some of it), and there is a lot of blood loss. Fortunately, the chick still eats and drink by itself, and it can flap both of it's wings. Can the damage done still be repairable? Is it possible that the feather that the chick loss will grow back on the same spot? Should I apply band aid on it, since the wounded chick usually pecks it?
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My parent and I applied antibiotics on it, and it is completely healed since few days ago. The other chicks might still peck on the parts near the wound, so I will still isolate it from them, until it is covered with some feathers

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