

7 Years
Mar 21, 2012
Portland, OR
1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others?
-Salmon Faverolle, 6 weeks - yes it definitely is smaller and lighter than the others.

2) What is the behavior, exactly?
-When she was around 3 weeks old we picked up another chick from the feed store. About a week later we moved them into the garage. Around the same time she had her first trip outside. After moving them into the garage we noticed she spent most of her time fluffed up and cold looking. She always has eaten and drank plenty, however she does sometimes get pushed out at the feeder. She is pretty good at getting back in there though...

3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms?
- about 3 weeks.

4) Are other birds exhibiting the same symptoms?
- No

5) Is there any bleeding, injury, broken bones or other sign of trauma?
- A couple mornings this week she has had a red, swollen eye (one morning her right eye, the other her left eye). We cleaned them well and both times it was normal again by the evening. She had been getting water/food in the down around her eye and both times a piece of down was matted up by her eye. So I think it may have been red from her scratching and the others picking at it. I gave the matted piece a snip with the scissors on both occasions and the problem hasn't recurred. Other than that no.

6) What happened, if anything that you know of, that may have caused the situation?
- Added a new chick, moved brooder to garage (colder).

7) What has the bird been eating and drinking, if at all>?
- Medicated starter mash (not sure what brand, but it has amprolium and ethopabate) and plain water - refreshed at least once a day, usually twice.

8) How does the poop look? Normal? Bloody? Runny?
- normal, I have seen one watery poop when i was holding her (she was a little stressed cause I was checking her over for peck marks and mites) and her next poop was normal. Last night I saw her poop and it had just a little bit of intestinal lining in it. (pictures of both poops below)

9) What has been the treatment you have administered so far?

10 ) What is your intent as far as treatment? For example, do you want to treat completely yourself, or do you need help in stabilizing the bird til you can get to a vet?
- Since it has been going on for 3 weeks and she seems to be better now than she was at the beginning I would prefer to let it go. But I have no experience with this...hence the post.

11) If you have a picture of the wound or condition, please post it. It may help.
- Pictures of her fluffed up below, one of her swollen eye, plus a couple poop pictures

12) Describe the housing/bedding in use
- 3'x4' (2 feet deep) wood shipping box with pine shavings.

Thanks for taking the time to read that if you got this far! I am basically just wondering if she maybe has or had cocci but is recovering, or if it is a persistent low-grade cocci infection (is that even possible?) or if it is maybe something else entirely. Any suggestions would be most appreciated!

This fluffed up picture is from a week ago. As I checked on them last night it seemed like she was fluffing less, moving around a bit more and was definitely still eating and drinking quite a bit.

This is a picture of her eye from last weekend. This was the morning after the night the heat lamp blew out and I had to use a 75W incandescent bulb for heat. I think the food/water caked around her eye (mentioned above) started her or one of the others to scratch or pick at it, then it got a little red and with the white light I think it got pecked a few times. But as I said, by the afternoon/evening it looked normal again.

Watery poop, taken same night as fluffy picture above. Her next poop was totally normal, I also wiped up the watery poop with a paper towel so I could see if there was any blood tinge and there wasn't any.

This is a poop from last night with some what I assume to be intestinal lining in it. It definitely was not blood as I pinched it in the paper towel and the pink parts held form, they were definitely tissue.

Thank you very much in advance for any help you can offer!
I believe it's cocci. You dont have to actually see blood in poop to confirm it's cocci since there are 9 types of cocci that chickens can get. Fluffed up is usually a sign of cocci. I recommend that you treat all your birds with corid 9.6% liquid solution. Dosage is 9.5cc's per gallon of water for 5-7 days. Make it fresh daily. If she doesnt drink the mixture on her own, use an eyedropperful and put a few drops on the side her beak to drink. You'll have to do this 4-5 times a day so that it will be effective treating the protozoa. Then she should be able to drink on her own after a few days.
I believe it's cocci. You dont have to actually see blood in poop to confirm it's cocci since there are 9 types of cocci that chickens can get. Fluffed up is usually a sign of cocci. I recommend that you treat all your birds with corid 9.6% liquid solution. Dosage is 9.5cc's per gallon of water for 5-7 days. Make it fresh daily. If she doesnt drink the mixture on her own, use an eyedropperful and put a few drops on the side her beak to drink. You'll have to do this 4-5 times a day so that it will be effective treating the protozoa. Then she should be able to drink on her own after a few days.

She is drinking and eating on her own just fine so if I added corid they would definitely all get dosed.

Even though none of the others have shown symptoms, she has shown symptoms (I didn't know fluffiness was a symptom until last night!) for at least 2 weeks, probably more like 3, and she seems to be would still recommend treating?
She is drinking and eating on her own just fine so if I added corid they would definitely all get dosed.

Even though none of the others have shown symptoms, she has shown symptoms (I didn't know fluffiness was a symptom until last night!) for at least 2 weeks, probably more like 3, and she seems to be would still recommend treating?
Yes, I would treat them all. It wont hurt them if you do.
Thanks for the advice. I am getting Corid in the morning. She is still fluffed up tonight and she is really stunted. Still eating and drinking but just more lethargic than the others. I hope the corid works.
So I started treatment yesterday with corid as recommended. All the chicks are doing fine, including the faverolle. She seems to be fluffed up less often and continues to eat and drink well.

You said above that I should treat for 5-7 days and I am wondering how to determine which? I assume if she is still fluffed up after 4 or 5 days that I would continue treatment for 7 days, but if she seems totally normal by day 4 I would stop treatment on day 5?

Thanks again for the information.
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I did the full 7 days treatment and it seems to have helped. She is fluffed up less and she does the chicken head bob when she walks most of the time rather than walking fluffed with her neck tucked. However, she still is fluffed up a lot more than the others and just generally does not seem as healthy. She has a very slight cross beak, is a runt and the underside of her neck is mostly bare and feathering in really slowly.

I am wondering if she ever had cocci at all since she is still fluffed up quite often. It seems like she may just be cold a lot compared to the others since she is so small and isn't feathering as quickly.

Either way, she keeps eating, and drinking and growing so hopefully this trend continues.

dawg53, thank you for the information you provided...well I do question if she had cocci, the corid treatment definitely did not hurt and seemed to have helped thanks again!

Here are a couple recent pictures...

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Thanks for the update. I'm agreeing with you that it might be something else. The way you described the other things, I'm thinking it could be a vitamin deficiency or maybe a genetic issue, not sure. You could try to give her some poultry nutri drench or electrolytes without iron and see if that helps. If it's genetic, not much you can do.
UPDATE 09/17/12

I still have no idea if Aabbee ever had cocci or not. The treatment with Corid definitely seemed to help her, as she stopped being fluffed up all the time and was just more active in general.

Since then she has always been the smallest but she really has no other problems. She is a weird chicken though (some of that Derperella salmon faverolles-ness), always squawking at nothing (REALLY LOUD), she has two slightly turned out toes on each foot that make her walk a little bit funny, and her head is just slightly crooked. I was worried a few months back that she would be cross beaked because her upper and lower beak were offset, but that has mostly completely corrected itself. She is by herself more than the others and gets picked on by our light brahma who is a big bully, but Aabbee really is thriving. I am pretty sure she is even going to lay before our Dark Brahma (the light brahma and the RIR have been at it for nearly a month), which I did not expect.

So, thanks again, Dawg, for the help!


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