
In the Brooder
Jul 21, 2023
I posted on here Friday about my sickly little sebright bantam hen.
A few people recommended I start her on Corid for cocci.
The only symptoms she was exhibiting at the time was lethargy, sitting around with her eyes closed. Her poop still looked normal and she had/still has an appetite. So, I was a little doubtful that she may have it. None of the others appear sick either.

About 30 min ago I noticed the first of her poop to have blood in it. I immediately mixed the whole flock (7 hens, 4 of them bantams 3 of them orpingtons) a gallon of water with 2tsp Corid liquid.
It’s ok to treat them all this way right? Everything I’ve read online says ‘if one gets it they all get it.’ So, I’m assuming this is a safe method?
Some sources are saying 3 days, 4 days, 5-7 days. What is the appropriate amount of time?
Then repeat with 1tsp/gal in 2 weeks for 3-4 days?
My big questions here are: Do I need to separate her or since they’re all being treated is it ok for her to be with them?
And how long until I see improvement in her condition? I really don’t want her to die.
Also, is there anything I can give/feed her/the whole flock supplement wise after the 5(?) day treatment?
They’re not yet laying also.
They are all 4/4.5 months old.
Thank you so much for any input!

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