Cochin sex unsure.


In the Brooder
Apr 5, 2016
I have gotten a mottled bantam cochin on wednesday and it is suppose to be sexed but her featherinh is growing in really slow. She is 1 week now.

I got her from mypetchicken as sexed female
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Okay because i cant have another male. I have a pretty big roo rn and i dont wanna annoy my town even more. Plus she is my 2nd fav (my roo us 1st. He is so docile. Never attacked anyone. Lets me pick him sometimes) ive been babying her since shes going to be the only bantam of my whole flock and it'll be really horrible for her to be a him
thats Talon, my roo.
Heres my other one week old chicks. Do cochins feather out slower?
I put them in the box they were shipped it to put them all togther for the photo

Here's my little black mottled bantam cochin pullet at a month old (I was convinced she was a boy because she was so confident and her comb was bigger than other pullets). Next to it is a cockerel at a month old. The only difference at this point is the cockerel is quite pink where the wattles grow, although one of our other boys had quite a pink comb at a month old. You will know for sure by the time it is 6 weeks old. Boys have very big, bright pink combs and wattles by then. Girls will have almost no comb at 6 weeks old and it will be flesh/peach coloured, and they will not have wattles. It will depend on its genetics as to how quickly it feathers out.
Omg thank you. I got my cochin for 2 purposes. To hatch out Talon's babies for me since my incubator is garbage and to be my baby of the flock. The rest are just bleh. I wanted a more friendly hen. I also got 2 brahmas to hatch eggs but 1 has cross beak :(

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