Cockerel Crisis? Or imagination?

Jul 17, 2024
Hi All! I'm a new chicken owner, what started with two chicks, quickly turned into what I thought would be a designer flock of 8 hens. We have three small kids and these have become beloved pets that we all dote on.

One fairly quickly started to shows signs of being a roo (Blue Austrolorp, not pictured) who has been crowing for quite some time and who's gender is not in question. He looks like a roo, is massive, acts like a roo, sounds like a roo. Ok, not great, but we are trying to accept what we knew was possible as the kids love him and cry when we mention rehoming him.

Then yesterday, one of our "hens" crowed. Ruth (chicken E in pics) is a 15 week old Americauna purchased from Meyer Hatchery (sexed as female) mail order. She's always been the "hen" most likely to challenge the roo, but is significantly smaller (as are all of the rest) and until yesterday we never doubted she was a hen. After doing some research, starting to think this is not a dominate hen crowing, but another rooster.

Now I'm seeing pointy hackle feathers on all of our pullets! Am I crazy? I sure hope so, because I am going to have a crisis with lots of roosters that my children love! Would love feedback from all of you experts!

Chicken A: Easter Egger, 14 weeks old, sexed female from mail order hatchery (via reputable local feed store). Same size as every other pullet and very docile.

Chicken B: same as A, purchased together. Also very docile.

Chicken C: Lavender Orpington, 14 weeks, same source/date as A and B. Also docile and seemingly not large.

Chicken D: Golden Laced Wyandotte, 15 weeks, purchased mail order from Meyers, sexed as female. Same story in terms of size (not larger than others) and personality (docile).

Did the best I could with pics...if you all need more, happy to provide them. Depending on opinions for this bunch, I'll share pics of the other two that I assume are pullets, but I've come to realize I know nothing, hahaha!

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