I have a cockerel that was acting lethargic and had yellow diarrhoea. I treated him for worms with ivermectin and he passed a big roundworm and looked a little brighter but still had yellow diarrhoea. I had a fecal worm count done and that confirmed that he had a round of roundworm eggs and was advised by my vet to treat him again with ivermectin and if that didn’t work treat I’m with flubenvet or panacur. If he was being fussy with his food.
He has the second treatment of ivermectin and has also been treated with panacur but is showing no signs of improvement and if anything the diarrhoea is getting even more watery than before.
Does anyone have any idea why he is still unwell after being treated by two different wormers and have any suggestions on how to help him?
He has the second treatment of ivermectin and has also been treated with panacur but is showing no signs of improvement and if anything the diarrhoea is getting even more watery than before.
Does anyone have any idea why he is still unwell after being treated by two different wormers and have any suggestions on how to help him?