Cockerel with a broken leg


Jun 27, 2022
Atlantic Canada
I got this guy recently, and he seems to have a broken leg?
Basically, his right heel joint is super loose compared to the left, he walks with a limp, and his leg kind of collapses under him unless it’s supported. I have him in a popsicle stick/vet wrap splint, which does seem to support the joint well, though it’s clear that it’s still turned out to the side.

Any more suggestions? Veterinary care is not in the cards. I do understand that if he doesn’t heal and his quality of life is reduced it would be humane to euthanize him, and am prepared to do that, but for right now he seems pretty comfortable. He’s eating, drinking, crowing, and foraging in small amounts when I let him out in the yard, though I usually keep him confined to a small cage to limit how much he moves around.

I basically saved him from someone’s stew pot, so it’s kind of a nothing to lose, might as well give him a chance kind of situation.
Chickens can have a number of different leg bone deformities, including varus or valgus deformity. Let us know how he gets along. Here is some reading and pictures of those deformities:
Hm, it does look like a leg deformity of some sort…

Oddly, the previous owners never noticed it, which is what makes me think injury.

Any other suggestions for treatment? I’ve been giving Nutridrench for the vitamins, maybe a B complex too?

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