Cold weather


In the Brooder
13 Years
Jan 22, 2007
I live in North MS. The temperature is supposed to drop as low as 28-30 degrees in the next few nights here. My baby chickens are 7 weeks old now (RIRs and Buff Orps). I have them outside in a 5x8 framed fenced area with a 3x3 house inside that area( I am planning on attaching a larger house to the 5x8 this weekend). My question is will it be too cold for them to stay in this pen during the next few cold nights or should I bring them back inside until the cold spell has passed?

I really enjoy reading everyone's input on this website and have learned so much. Thanks for your advice on this.

Wow, thats pretty there a way to put a light in there for them to huddle under? If not, you might consider bringing them back in. Good luck...keep em warm!
That's what I needed to know. I'll bring them inside for the next few nights. Monday this cold front is supposed to have passed and back to the warmer temps. Thanks!!!

Hi,Gabby-Pita! I have the same situation, 7 week olds I was about to put out and we here will have temps in 20-30's for next few nights.
Decided to leave them in the house until the temp comes up a bit.
What kind do you have?
2 Buff Orphingtons and 2 RIRs. All pullets (I hope). I'm going to the local feed store today to get more feed and hope I don't come home with more. I love the Buffs. They are so friendly. What kind do you have?

The weather has been so nice and warm here but it seems it is usually cool around Easter but, still, being in the 20's is quite unusual for this area this time of the year. I planted tomato plants a couple weeks ago and will have to cover them too. Already have blooms on them.

:eek:We just got babies yesterday, one died unknown reson, think it might of been too cold in the brooder. We brought the rest inside the house and they seem much better. We just finished making adjustments to our brooder box inside the coop. I've been wondering what with the weather back into the 20's and 30's if the brooder box will be warm enough all through the night if the four bulb brooder light( 2 red, 2 white bulbs) is left low enough. Please help, my husband is getting tired of sharing a bathroom with 11 chirping babies again.

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