Colored eggs


In the Brooder
Feb 11, 2023
I have bantam easter eggers-green eggs and bantam splash ameracuanas-blue eggs. What bantam could I add to get additional egg colors?
If you want to add more colors to your eggs, Bantam Marans' deep chocolate brown eggs will give you a rich, dark tint. Because bantam legbars produce exquisite, sky-blue eggs that beautifully diversify your blue tones, they could also be an excellent choice. Breeds like Marans and Ameraucana are crossed to create Bantam Olive Eggers, which have an intriguing olive hue—a combination of brown and blue. Although they're less common, bantam araucanas would be a great addition to your collection if you're seeking blue eggs.
Bantam Welsummers are probably more common than bantam Marans, though the egg color is still a work in progress. My brother's Welsummers egg color is improving but it's still not perfect. But it is darker than any other bantam egg I've seen, and quite large!
So for dark eggs, either Bantam Welsummers or Marans.
Leghorn bantams would give you nice white eggs.
I have bantam easter eggers-green eggs and bantam splash ameracuanas-blue eggs. What bantam could I add to get additional egg colors?
Would you like to add brown or cream-colored eggs? If so, get just about any kind of bantam that has not yet been mentioned in this thread. That would include bantam Brahmas, bantam Cochins, d'Uccles, Japanese Bantams, Old English Game Bantams, Bantam Wyandottes, Cornish Bantams, Sebrights, and probably quite a few more that I'm forgetting. Most of them will lay light brown to medium brown, some will be a lighter cream color.
Would you like to add brown or cream-colored eggs? If so, get just about any kind of bantam that has not yet been mentioned in this thread. That would include bantam Brahmas, bantam Cochins, d'Uccles, Japanese Bantams, Old English Game Bantams, Bantam Wyandottes, Cornish Bantams, Sebrights, and probably quite a few more that I'm forgetting. Most of them will lay light brown to medium brown, some will be a lighter cream color.
Yeah almost every bantam breed lays an off white egg. Or a light brown if you're lucky. Pretty boring, imo. However, I don't care about egg color so my primary breed lays really boring looking eggs.

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