

Aug 27, 2024
Sunbright, TN
My Gold Lace Wynadottes are 17.5 weeks old and are not showing a comb yet. Their waddles are coming in beautifully. Is there something wrong?
The first pic is from 2 days ago and the others from last week.


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Wyandotte pullets don't generally have big combs. Yours aren't fully mature yet. They can take a big longer to sexually mature this time of year. On average most Wyandotte start laying at 5-8 months of age. This time of year I usually add a month to those averages.
Thank you. I just noticed in the picture that she does have a little bit there.
By the way. Thank you all for putting up with me.

I appreciate any and all responses. Thank-you all for your time.
I think most BYC members love talking chicken. We all were beginners at one point. It's amazing to me how many ways there are to keep chickens, and I enjoy reading how everyone does things, and what they observe with their flock. It's an ever evolving and interesting hobby to have. :)
I think most BYC members love talking chicken. We all were beginners at one point. It's amazing to me how many ways there are to keep chickens, and I enjoy reading how everyone does things, and what they observe with their flock. It's an ever evolving and interesting hobby to have. :)
I never stopped to observe chickens before I acquired mine. It never occurred to me how entertaining they can be. I never dreamed that I would look at them and find them to be absolutely stunning creatures. Right now my Marans is my favorite breed.

Becoming a chicken tender is probably one of the best things I have done in a while. They are amazing therapy both physical and mental. They help me get outside and move around on a daily basis.

My handsome boy.


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