Coop-mate recommendations?


In the Brooder
Mar 18, 2024
Ahoy fellow chicken lovers. I'm posting with a sad heart. First we lost our most beloved sapphire gem to heart failure in March (euthanized) and now, not two months later our lavender orpington has an oviduct tumor (getting lasix and had initial ascites drained). We are going to inquire about surgical removal at our followup appointment on Friday, however I'm guessing this won't be a likely route. Anyway, that's going to leave our speckled Sussex runt all by her lonesome. We're trying to narrow down breeds, and have read that heritage breeds fair better with health and longevity. She is absolute best friends with our lavender orpington, so we're considering getting a
buff orpington.
Additionally, were considering another
sapphire gem
(not heritage, but maybe better than traditional hybrid if because the cross breeding was only for color, not mass egg production??).
Black Australorp.
Barred rock.

We have extreme hot and cold so they need to be hardy breeds.

If anyone can weigh in, we'd greatly appreciate it!

Many thank yous in advance!

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