Could this be a female?


6 Years
Aug 17, 2018
We have 6 jubilee orps, 4 females, one male and one dunno... The known hens have very little combs and nearly no waddles. The known rooster has a large bright red comb and waddles. This one has a comb and waddles about halfway between and pale colored, we have never seen him crow, and the other males (we have 8 males atm until I can get them to auction this weekend) chase and try to breed him constantly. At first I wrote it off to establishing pecking order but now I'm not so sure. As you can see the back of his neck is almost plucked bare. All were born early March.


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Looks like a late developing cockerel.
I've never kept roosters before, only hens for eggs but my better half wants a rooster. The one we were going to keep has turned into a people attacker so he has to go. Ever since all the Roo's hit puberty, turned our run into a chaotic sausage fest and picked on him mercilessly she has felt sorry for him and now wants to keep him. Will a late developing roo make any less of a alpha rooster / protector of the flock / chooser of the coop entrance time / doo'er of his booty duty?
Will a late developing roo make any less of an alpha rooster / protector of the flock / chooser of the coop entrance time / doo'er of his booty duty?
It shouldn’t. I have heard that late developing cockerels tend to end up friendlier but I don’t know if there is any actual truth behind that
I've never kept roosters before, only hens for eggs but my better half wants a rooster. The one we were going to keep has turned into a people attacker so he has to go. Ever since all the Roo's hit puberty, turned our run into a chaotic sausage fest and picked on him mercilessly she has felt sorry for him and now wants to keep him. Will a late developing roo make any less of a alpha rooster / protector of the flock / chooser of the coop entrance time / doo'er of his booty duty?
He may be fine, he may stay a wuss, or he may become aggressive - time will answer that possibility. What happens is that dominant roosters suppress the testosterone levels in the subordinates. When his 'T' level increases you will see his true personality. Hopefully he will be a great flock master.

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