Coworkers chihuahua and mammary gland

Birdsong 82

Free Ranging
7 Years
Aug 17, 2017
Ok. Coworker sent me a picture today. His 13-14 yrs old chihuahua had I guess cyst in the mammary gland (I think I’ve got this right) Anyway he was tolls awhile back it would rupture on its own and heal back. Well it did but he’s noticing now that at the healing point this is what it looks like. She’s acting 100% herself and eating and drinking and acting is normal as can be, but as you can see the way it healed doesn’t seem quite right. I couldn’t give him any advice because I don’t know Chihuahuas very well or anything about this problems so I thought I’d put it out there
And he saw the vet for it a while ago and they were the ones who told him it wasn’t anything harmful and it would rupture on its own and then heal
If he’s able to get an appointment anytime he will take her back but being the holidays it may be a while so That’s why I was reaching out

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